
I am reminded of Peggy’s final moment in Mad Men

AND while I would not say Winstead is an action star or anything, just last year she played Huntress in Birds of Prey (the movie was uneven but she was unequivocally the best part), and Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim, who I have heard “kicks all kinds of ass.”

“Forget it Jake, it’s Barsanti-town

Well, the movies Keanu is most well known for aren’t action movies. Movies like Speed, Point Break, The Matrix… aw, fuck it, Barsanti is totally wrong.

The Thing and even Scott Pilgrim vs The World had action elements too. And she was in one of the late period Die Hard movies if I recall correctly. It’s not a huge leap where she’s only done rom-coms or something.

None of this makes any sense. This looks decently cool, but the A.V. Club has to be smug and douchey about it rather than just saying “this looks decently cool.”

She *was* Huntress in Birds of Prey, so it’s not like Winstead is without any action credits, as opposed to Odenkirk.

but the thing that makes this like John Wick is that it stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, an actor who doesn’t normally do action movies

Schrödinger’s Warhol.

I like soup, but I’m much more of a fan of the melting clock in my hallway.

Years ago I lost my wallet with my social security card AND my driver’s license, replacing one of those without having the other generally requires a birth certificate... but neither SocSec or the DMV would accept my British birth certificate. I had to wait for my dad to find my adoption papers (after years of being

between $2.5-4.5 million, significantly lower than the $11.5 million an authenticated version of it in green went for in 2015.

Earlier this afternoon I couldn’t find a piece of paper I had set down so I totally get it.

You: “I liked it and I kept it but it doesn’t affect me emotionally at all. I’m sure there’s a lot of people looking for old soup. Good. Let them find some.”

Yeah, been there.

We’ve all been there. It’s late, you’re at home and you’re spooked by one of your works of art – an Andy Warhol screen print of a smiling, smug Chairman Mao – so you pick up a gun and shoot it. One as a warning, the next through his eye.

Oh, yes, indeed.

It’s one of the main reasons I’m against voter ID laws.

I often find old cans of Campbell soup that I forgot I bought, so basically the same thing.

“Santa Monica, New York” made me laugh for a ridiculously long time.

I can see your very stupid comment.