
I wonder how much the Zeiss 24mm will cost. Thats the lens I've been waiting for since I bought my nex-5.

Trust me the criminals already know how to defeat a lock, and most of them won't waste the time to try and pick a lock, they will just cut it or break it. I got into lock picking a couple years ago and learned that most locks only create the illusion of protection. There are locks that are much more common in Europe

Basically this is because the state assumes that teacher does not stop being influential in a child/young adults life the second they leave their classroom. They can still be manipulated for letters of recommendation and they may have siblings that could still be in school with the teacher.

I saw a glorious explosion of crazy when a slightly nutty supervisor has a psychotic worker assigned to her unit. The two of them almost killed each other, and now both are out of the company.

Nope paid attention just fine, but an ancient race that lives in space and travels instantly from one location to another, with technology beyond our comprehension might as well be a god. Why would a race that powerful ever deign to intervene in our affairs, and if by chance they did, what could possibly possess them

I'm very worried about the Avengers. I never read the comic books so I don't have anything invested in the original storyline. I loved the Iron Man movies, like Captain America, and didn't really care for Thor at all.

Those camera weren't all that hidden to me. My guess is the landlord thought "they probably don't have motion detectors and smoke alarms in Bulgaria, and have never seen a USB cable", so thought he would get away with it. Something tells me these girls are already on a website somewhere.

Your right, but I just never bought that kind of concept. One of my favorite TNG episodes was the alternate reality where the federation was at war with the Romulans and the Enterprise was truly a battleship. As an adult I just couldn't see how the "flag ship" of the Federation Fleet would be a long range exploration

When I was a kid I didn't get it either. Now I find him, along with disturbingly large portions of TNG cringe inducing. I think its because as kid he just seemed like part of the adventure. As an adult I just can't swallow the idea of a battleship being a place to raise families, the bridge a place for a 14 year old,

Well I can speak for the technology, but my dad's 70's era Pioneer only ever played Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings so it sounded pretty aweful to me ;)

I agree with you completely. Bulk mail is drowning our Postal system and draining our pockets. I think $1 a letter is cheap enough to allow critical communications and deter most junk mail. If you want Saturday delivery with UPS or Fedex you have to pay for it. Most people don't need to get the JCPenny flyer on

If the state of mail in the UK is anything like it is in the US, I agree completely.

I own one of the .25 colts. I did some basic penetration tests against a .22lr. The .22 had about 25% more penetration and the ammunition is about 1/10th the price. About the only thing going for a the .25ACP is that its centerfire (so slightly less prone to primer failure) and without the RIM it was more reliable in

But why would you need a rally car to drive on a dirt road, wont a Toyota Highlander do? And why a Lotus 7, surely a Camry would be more reliable and last much longer. It sounds like you might not have as much of a problem with fun things, just American fun things.

I don't know where the hell you are from, but I guess there is no such thing as fun or imagination there. Sounds like a miserable place...

So when did the Toyota 4 Runner become an road eating, tire smoking, all wheel drive, high performance monster?

The accident was a little after midnight and the scene wasn't cleaned up until 7am. They probably took pics of both cars at night, but the pontiac was probably cleared away as fast as possible to try and get some traffic moving. The corvette probably came to rest far enough out of the flow of traffic that it wasn't

Why make a camera that big without a traditional viewfinder? Pros like viewfinders, and this a pro camera, it just seems like a stupid mistake. I'm sure Sony doesn't believe anyone will miss it, but I'll bet the sales figures will be disappointing.

I carry a ton of keys, but I don't often remove my keys from the keyring. I don't see the point of this, assuming it works. I get a keys made for $.49. I have no desire to spend 20x that for a theoretical convenience.

He is my favorite warhammer 40K author by a long shot!!! I wish him continued success!!!