
I've noticed an increase in "martial" posts lately, and I appreciate it!!!

The Beretta 9000s, the gun that they started with, was a terrible failure because it was an ergonomic nightmare and fairly unreliable. It was, however, very successful in Hollywood, being featured in Minority Report and some of the Matrix movies. Its good to see it realize its true potential as a novelty item and not

I'm red green color blind so I usually can't perceive pink at all. My friends love it when I think their red car is green or their green car is grey, at leas I can be amusing :)

I'm surprised there aren't more apps of their nature marketed as parental control tools. It seems like a large untapped market.

The modern trends of over airbrushed images and soft focus videos probably helped sell the illusion. I can't see the vids at work, but the pics look fake in the same way that all magazine photography is fake.

I think your right. I think the moment the cable news networks realized that they would get higher rating by hiring partisans that yelled at people rather than do in depth analysis was the end of American news. Even the broadcast networks don't give me enough in depth coverage. More people probably are more up to date

I really liked the way the funeral pyre /dragon hatching was handled. I normally get turned off of fantasy shows that try to over whelm the viewer with eye candy. I guess I most CG still strikes me as unnatural and knocks me out of the moment. I loved that they showed her flaming footsteps into the pyre, then cut to

I get 25% off my Verizon "plan" and 12.5% off of "features" thanks to my employer. When these changes go into effect it will mean I will be paying more than Sprint or t-mobile, both of which have superior phones and decent coverage in my area. I only have a contract on one line... Verizon better offer something

If you starting fresh and don't have a bunch of old lenses laying around, go for the system that will let you get the best glass possible for the least money. The camera will be obsolete in a couple years anyway, good glass will be with you for 25 years.

Wow that's mighty mini!

Airborne gets my thumbs up for quoting Edmund Burke "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good me to do nothing". The rest of of the trailer looked pretty good too!

Yeah, nothing about that looked good to me. I watched Lord of the flies once, putting it in space won't make me watch it again.

Unless they invent a pen or pencil that is surgically implanted in my finger, they will be all be equal to me. I can't seem to keep track of any writing utensil longer than 24hrs!

I played about an hour of the game yesterday. I don't mind off color jokes, but these jokes aren't even funny. The voice acting is terrible. The game play isn't smooth at all. I can't believe people are getting stuck paying $60 for this game.

Having sat in both, I can tell that the mustang is a much easier car to live with. The Camaro, despite being larger, feels smaller, and has a very high dash making it feel claustrophobic. I think Ford should offer a stripper version of the GT for around $27,000. It will get more people in the door to drive the

For $550 there are way better knives out there.

Sprint already has great phishing protecting in my area. I can't get a signal so no phishing!!!

NASA is almost a metaphor for the current state of America. If we give up, our best days will truly behind us. Its leadership is corrupted with decades of political appointees only concerned with own aggrandizement. They have squandered huge portions of their budget on dead projects and killed space vehicles just at

Ditto, I'd pay for this!!!

You might want to check with a credit union in your area. In my area they are offering rates as low as 1.9% on used cars less than 3 years old. This is a terrible time to a buy a car though, if you can wait until the winter you will save some cash.