
Same law here in Florida. They usually publish about 10 locations and setup at 1 or 2. The information is still available a couple of days in advance. I don't see how anything apple or the developers is doing is any different.

I don't understand how the police can complain about this with a straight face. In Florida they are required to advertise planned DUI checkpoints in the paper before they occur. They usually throw out 10 intersections and only check a couple, but they still make the information public. How can they complain because

Lets also not forget that this same kind of "they are only human" is used to explain sloppy police work that leads to the release of hardened criminals.

Something tells me the Miami PD would be happy to replace his Evo. Its a small price to pay to make sure that his video doesn't reach the light of day.

No kidding. I'll stick with my Maui Jim's that I got for $149.00.

Even if it works against one, it won't work against the next 50. I'm guessing they will have a minimum threat threshold. In a tank its not worth deploying the system against anything smaller than an RPG. Even an RPG won't do much to modern MBT.

It sounds like a good idea, but I'd like to see more of live fire tests. They only showed one. If it really was such a high probability of success they should have been able to show dozens of live tests during that video.

Also, the ad says that the digital download is "free while they last" are they expecting the internet to run out of bytes sometime soon?

Verizon would release it for $400.

I never heard of that movie, but now I must watch. I used to work in child welfare, you wouldn't believe how many 30 year grandmothers are out there.

I've hit my head on fan blades a few times growing up, they don't have enough mass to really hurt you. I'm guessing she had the whole until fall down on her.

I agree completely, so many people put St Augustine grass in arid conditions, then pay hundreds of dollars a year trying to keep something alive that was never supposed to grow there in the first place.

I'd just buy a cheap wall mount unit from mono-price or one of other online vendors. Some are under $10, and they work. I wouldn't want to save $10 and drop a $1500 TV.

So this if the first generation Cylon.

The first time I saw the trailer for this film I cringed, each successive glimpse of the film is getting me more and more excited. I know its corny, but nothing gets me more excited than a classic battle between good an evil. I love the Oath!!!

If only PS3 would natively play mkv, I'd be a happy camper. As it is, I've tried Tversity and PS3 media streamer. Tversity always had problems transcoding, and PS3 media streamer only seems to work 70% of the time. And, I have the computer and PS3 connected to a gigabit router.

I had the same problems, you need to buy "low self discharge" batteries like Sanyo Eneloops. All the others will go dead over a couple weeks. Eneloops stay good for over a year. I've tried energizer and duracell rechargeables and they were both worthless.

My car has a battery and a V-8 Generator, if you car isn't recharging itself you probably just need a new alternator :)

crappy rechargeable batteries should be banned. Only Sanyo eneloope for me!

I barely had the self control to read the article, but I'm glad I did.