Paper Snow Ghost

There’s only a few requirements to be president: Be at least 35, be born a US citizen, and have lived in the US for the last 10 years. Between that and Trump, any claims of inadequate experience are just noise. The so-called “most experienced candidate ever” lost to someone who thinks you need to show ID to buy

Haha! Excellent story. But oh yeah, that is some shitty shmoozing, right there. Everyone’s “Uncle Joe” indeed.

The Fox crowd won’t like that young whippersnapper one bit.

They lead to the Potato of Injustice!

They lead to the Potato of Injustice!

I was thinking...

User name checks out.

It’s shit like this that is pushing me away from Splinter, along with the coddling of the Baracka’s and Hot Take’s of the commentariat. That whole “Great Ungreying” sure did wonders for you guys.

There is almost nothing that would excite and energize the Republican base more than an impeachment fight. There is also virtually no chance that such an impeachment would end in removal when the Democrats don’t even have a majority in the Senate, let alone the 67 votes they would need to convict—particularly when a

This pun was subprime at best.

He did it with the cyber!

This is sad, and I hope her family may find some peace in these awful times.

No. I love Stacey Abrams. She’s inspired and inspiring. And if Biden entered the race, won the primary and chose her, it would be better than him choosing a whole lot of other people. But he’s not progressive/liberal/whatever. He doesn’t want universal healthcare. He doesn’t want to reform the financial system or the

I mock Paul Blart Blest all the time. He’s a fat privileged white-guilt-ridden idiot.

All Beto seems to be certain about is that he was a punk, he likes to stand on counters, and would probably enjoy being President.

Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are in that group of “on the right team but fucking things up for us”. HRC was (almost certainly) going to beat Bernie, you didn’t need to help her, and in fact you hurt her in the general with your shenanigans.

I thought the most punk thing you could do was gatekeep who gets to be punk.

They’re mad because Beto beat Bernie’s (and everyone else’s) initial fundraising numbers. I, on the other hand, am cackling with glee because I am a bitter old witch.