
Dear teenage pop stars, people who go to Ikea and Ross Gellar,

I'm gonna have to agree with Solange. Why doesn't Miley dress up like a Ratchet Hillbilly? Why doesn't Bieber drink Maple Sizzurp? Not as much fun, I guess.

i read the interview this morning and i still cannot get over the fact that she drinks GATORADE AND MALIBU. together. as in a cocktail.


Yeah, I think she's not far off with the passionate and maintenance sex needed for a long-term relationship. HOWEVER, it should be "let's agree to have sex even though we're kind of tired, because it's a way to show our love for each other." It should not be "I'll have sex when I don't want to, because if I give in to

My post in this very thread said I love to read about funny things and keep up with friends and see pictures of their kids. It doesn't depress me.

I always assume when I see those posts "oh, they've been arguing a lot lately, haven't they?"

I've been married for 11 years and we have 3 kids. I'm so far from bitter it's crazy. I totally agree with you that it is childish and boring. Okay, if your husband or boyfriend did something really amazing, like arranged for you to drive a vintage Aston Martin for a milestone birthday, post pics of you and him

Hey, maybe the amount of time you should give them is directly related to how annoying they are being - so if they are being super irritating....6 weeks!!!

Do we have the same friends? Are

Worse, my Facebook Perfect Boyfriend squad posts these things while they are doing them with the perfect boyfriend. This drives me up the wall since I feel like I'm on the verge of annoying all my friends by talking about my new gentleman caller, but when I'm actually with him I have no desire to inform the internet

Boasting is when you talk about something with excessive pride, usually to people who don't care. It's usually coming from feelings of insecurity and the need to show off. Look at what I have that you don't!

I think this is exactly the kind of post everyone is complaining about. It's great that he's fabulous, but why boast about it? He brought you a brownie, that's what boyfriends are supposed to do.

Srsly. If I had a nickel for every time it's happened to me...

Preach sister. My facebook timeline seems to be covered in nauseatingly smug couples sharing tons of clichés quotes (and cliché pictures), laughable humble brags and endless TMI. I fear for the future.

No, you're not the only one. It's okay to mention it every now and then, but to constantly brag about the GREAT way a man SHOULD treat you is annoying. Your man should treat you like a queen, he should spoil it's very annoying when you have those who try to act as if they've got something that you don't.