
tee hee, hey everyone I'm a Nintendo fanboy. Listen to me, I know more than everyone else. The battery lasts for one WHOLE year without having to recharge, I swear! I've been playing for a whole year non-stop and never had to recharge. Also, the 3d that everyone says causes headaches, it kicks MAJOR ass. Don't listen

So the way to "forgive" the crappy battery of the 3ds is by comparing it to a competitor's handheld that hasn't even been released yet, and then blasting said handheld because you can't change the battery yourself....

how about something similar for getting the most amount of space out of a macbook air 11 inches that only has 64gigs, ~40 of which are usable

But A.J., I hear the overzealous male cheerleader from the other day is going to reveal his "puppetry of the penis-esque" trick-shot video. The things he can do with a pair of balls is out of this world (and isn't limited to almost costing his team a win)

Get well soon Sidney

When the first one came out, I said I'd wait for the 2 because I wanted cameras and stuff I knew would added later. Now I think I'm going to wait for the 3 because I have an 11 inch mac air, and after using an iphone 4 I can't use the normal ipad screen anymore. Give me a high res screen or give me....nothing

Major League Baseball gave Montreal the Arcade Fire? Now I'm REALLY mad

Move the mets to Montreal

Now playing

It's ok, Elisabetta is used to acting at Italian restaurants

Penner to Montreal....the stuff that dreams are made of

wow, can a person have less tact?

The male cheerleader just thought it was a cute handbag, and once he realized it was an item associated with *gasp* sports, he had to get rid of it as quickly and violently as possible before skipping away like a mary

I'm Italian, I'm not a huge basketball fan and I hate Toronto, so having a solid young up and comer like Gallinari on the Knicks gave me a reason to follow the NBA a little bit more. The Italian Sports newspaper will generally only cover teams with Italian players, so I got some good daily Knicks coverage too. The

Bah, I can't cheer for the Knicks anymore after they got rid of Gallinari. Maybe I'll become a hoopster and ironically wear a Gallinari Knicks jersey this summer. It's my only form of protest (other than buying a counterfeit jersey so that the team doesn't get my money)

Any adult that works for a living is fine with the price. The only people complaining are man children or kids that don't work to afford their gadgets. Unfortunately, that's the majority of people posting on this site.


They copied the tagline for Favre's Crocs commercial....

I guess that lovin' was..... *puts on glasses*....too hot to handle

Worst case scenario, can't you undo a vasectomy. Wouldn't want surgical tools down there that often, but as long as it's doable...