
the thumbnail on my tiny screen made it look like he was holding the severed head of a blond chick

pfff, on the Expos facial hair was not only allowed, it was encouraged...

Finally, good things can come to people that "break their seal" early while drinking beer at a bar

He should have been more diplomatic and said that sex should refrain from gay dicks

He's already penning his new rap song:

@ScientificMapp: you have to admit, it's arguably the least interesting story of the morning

The crowd appears to be sitting on a see-saw

I'm trying desperately figure out why I should care about this

What a leethal starting rotation

That's funny, a majority of people would consider not experiencing Iowa as being a success

hahahaha, this is horrible


They put as much thought into that logo as they do with everything else....

I have years of martial arts experience, including high level kickboxing, and I feel like I could get into boxing and clean house sometimes when I watch scrubs on tv. Man, what is going on with that sport. I'm guessing there isn't a lot of money to be had, especially at the lower weight classes

Everything I need to know to start my day? Jesus guys, you posted this at 10 am. I already had time to watch 3 editions of sportcenter, including the canadian version

The Cleveland Indians organisation is shocked and appalled by this news story

The Montreal Olympic Stadium scoffs at that puny "collapse"


Isn't waffles also used online as a way to say you're giggling or something. Which goes hand in hand with the Maple Laughs