
My goodness is that beautiful. It looks like a cartoon come to life! I don't think it's my kind of game, but I might buy it just to support such an amazing effort by the developers

In the past couple of days, she's given me at least 2 erections

It would need another phd in visual design

Basel had some of the slickest architecture I've ever seen

from one saber to another

nothing like some good ol' fashion hypocrisy

why are New England fans such babies anyway?

@Juventina: no, then again, I used to be a political science major before entering law school and I still have no idea how the italian government works, so maybe I've voted for equally despicable people. It's difficult to know when you don't currently live in the country. I try to read newspapers as much as possible

I have a ps3 that has the ps2 hardware in it, so I'll be fine regardless. However I think releasing a product like this is a good idea, the people that don't care about ps2 backwards compatibility get a cheaper console to buy and the people that do can do so for a small fee.

@nrXic: Halo games are the most overrated of all time.

@Dooosh: uhh, maybe a tool or piece of equipment falling down from above?

"THIS is the tricky part"....yeah, that's where the tricky part starts, right when you reach the top...

did anyone say grilled squid with balsamic vinegar?

it's also a much longer competition, and requires you to do well in your league's standings to even enter.

@Juventina: I wrote it in plain black and white that I never once voted for him. Re-read my post please.

@Ian Logsdon: true, it does look kind of weird. But from what I've seen, it looks like the controller that will be the most fun to use. I dunno, I'll reserve final judgement until I try both Move and Natal (I was never that impressed with the wii)

hmmm, this thread inspired me to get away from being a sport agent and enter the modelling agent game. Or maybe I should be the model?

@Ian Logsdon: yeah, cause flailing around without a controller in your hand makes you look like a total champ

mmmm, bile and oysters