
This company better still be in business in a couple of years when I have a high paying job and can actually afford it in my new dream pad

ahhh Old Navy, the only place where a Small might actually be a Large in Europe and an XXL in Asia

Suri is adorable, and this quote made me go "awww"

@Leucadia: It's basically talking about how the PIE MADRI DELLA NEGRIZIA (a missionary organization of nuns) has a history of receiving esteemed guests at Villa Costanza since 1953, and the Placard was put up in 1972 to celebrate the hundred year anniversary of the organization that was funded in 1872 in Verona Italy

THIS, THIS is the greatest video I've seen all day. And I've spent my day on youtube so far

I wonder if his real girlfriend looked as good as the doll does? meeeeeow

Still got plenty of love for Tyson

Kinda like how Zinedine Zidane ditched Algeria for know what they say: "like father like son", both are spineless cowards with no pride

And us mere mortals merely dream of pleasuring all but two women at the same time

When baseball fails in Washington for the third time, could Montreal please get its team back? (I will never shut up about this)

This year's version of the NHL seems really interesting, I might have to pick it up

RIP dude, you've made me laugh more than once with your comedy

@Desi_Relaford: No, he's happy as long as he's tapping into an unreached/potential market. Adding another franchise in Canada isn't helping the sport grow, the fans in those Canadian cities will just change their support from a surrounding team to the new team.

I wonder if these will find their way on light, 12 inch notebooks that don't cost an arm and a leg

At first I thought the Nats player lost this one, then I realized he actually punched the first guy in the face, and the sucker puncher barely gave him a clothesline.....

pfffft, what kind of muscle definition is that. My 25 year old body has much better muscle definition than that.....

I love small breasted women. But don't you dare have a pancake ass or I'll send you to the bus stop without any fare money

Poor guy, reduced to getting upskirt shots of british girls......that's like the lowest you can go, the equivalent of sniffing gasoline or glue because there is nothing better around to kill your braincells with....

I'd love this, but I read a lot of pdf files for school, and they are hard enough to read on the 9 inch screen of my netbook, I can't imagine reading them on this 7 inch screen :(

I think it's a great idea, if it works anything like spotify but on my pc/mac/ps3/bravia tv/etc.... I'd be able to access my music from literally anywhere in my house. I just hope their catalogue is great, and that we can somehow have our own webspace to add anything that isn't included in the service