
The sad thing about this article is the very real tone of surprise it emotes. Really Kotaku? You really can't believe that your niche video game savior has little to no boxoffice penetration? Was it so unfathomable that Scott Pilgrim occupies such a small corner of the internet that the only people who know about it

She's like the Apple-tan girl incarnated. I wouldn't doubt they contracted her outright.

Looks like those little kids already figured out that soylent green is people.

"a department-issued piece of metal wrapped in leather." We assume that's a nice way of describing a blackjack..."

"...will be sold at $2,000, a big price jump over any HD TV set of the same size."

Some people just aren't getting this. The rage doesn't come from the fact that its an Xcom franchise played a differenct way. Nor does that automatically make it a bad game...

If I can possibly remember it? Uh huh. It's evidently time to introduce you to the world of 'copy and paste'.

Xcom inventory utilized finite space as well as stat restrictions, which affected what you could carry and how far you could carry it before your time units depleted.

Play Some FarmVille, Then Book a Delta Flight on Facebook

Looks like what happens when you stich panoramic photos together in Windows. In fact, I'd say that's a distinct possiblity.

I like helping discover stuff so somebody else can take all the credit with no mention of the peons contributing their hardware and resources.

Attention whore title is attention whore title.

Yeah, and didn't gawker have a huge blowout with Jobs concerning his medical history? And some how this piece still finds it a mystery that the guy who took his ball and went home with your advertising department also has so much ego that he won't display a disability hanger?

@spicedhambox: :"ABC, if you don't like Bush, don't report on him." Seewutididther?

How Star Trek's prop computers presaged the iPad by 20+ years

So does that mean I can kick Grant Sonnex for having shitty taste too?

Seriously, I go to walmart and all I can find is some crappy nerf sword. Where do they get those wonderful toys?

@talkingstove: Yeah, about that. There's just something so very disturbing about having a browser add-on just to opt out. Sure, I realize that's probably the only way to track it between browsers and IPs since its universally opting everybody in as policy...

That's Kryptonite flavored gum. Duh. And besides, what fool would leave that lying— Heeey, wait a minute...