Pants Queen


Let's not resort to ugly stereotypes.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus Robert may be the worst, but I will love Hugh Bonneville forever for how game he is in that whole bit.

This is what drives me nuts about this show (and to a lesser extent, Sherlock as well): it can be over the top, or cheesy or obvious, but when it's firing on all cylinders like it was tonight I absolutely fall for it.

That's how I read it too.  Marnie knew it couldn't be his because they'd been sleeping apart most of the time, and Hector knew it couldn't be his because the doctor had said as much.

"Aren't you supposed to be a sheep?"

"Aren't you supposed to be a sheep?"

EDIT: never mind. I'm just happy! The Community/Parks and Rec Dream Team is together again!

EDIT: never mind. I'm just happy! The Community/Parks and Rec Dream Team is together again!

Oh, Jesus.  I'm not sure how long ago they filmed this ep, but can you imagine having to do a proposal scene as your own marriage is falling apart?

Oh, Jesus.  I'm not sure how long ago they filmed this ep, but can you imagine having to do a proposal scene as your own marriage is falling apart?

My brother has seen Oz, so his reaction to all the stabby-stabby was "Yeah, that was probably one of the top 5 prison shanking montages I've ever seen."

I think that's what I meant.  Thanks - it's been a while since I saw it.

I think that's what I meant.  Thanks - it's been a while since I saw it.

*points to tiny plastic baby*

*points to tiny plastic baby*

Yeah, definitely.  The kingpin life, while it may come with job security and a giant pile of cash, is missing spontaneity and craftsmanship.
Between the painting, the RV and the paper towel dispenser, we saw a lot of callbacks to the 'good old days' of Walt and Jesse's mom and pop meth operation, before they became

Yeah, definitely.  The kingpin life, while it may come with job security and a giant pile of cash, is missing spontaneity and craftsmanship.
Between the painting, the RV and the paper towel dispenser, we saw a lot of callbacks to the 'good old days' of Walt and Jesse's mom and pop meth operation, before they became

Yeah, I have no idea where in my brain I pulled that from. But tomorrow I'll lose my keys, etc., etc.

Yeah, I have no idea where in my brain I pulled that from. But tomorrow I'll lose my keys, etc., etc.