
@distalled: Pro-tip: just make sure your intestinal flora is up to it! Not everyone's is.

@Pressure: This is a dream that has come and gone and come and gone. The "cloud" is the latest iteration of thin clients, mainframes, etc.

@phiyuku: I think this is for the Mobile Broadband options, ie, the standalone USB devices. I see $39.95 a month for those.

@atrus123: Still though, it looks like they're missing Look to Windward and they've totally messed up Iain Banks vs Iain M. Banks.

@atrus123: Player of Games is there!


@NotoriousNigel: That's gonna be Glenn Beck's justification of why science is bad and why we should stop NASA funding.

@Tristan: While all the above are good counterexamples, I'm really speaking of the more common misunderstanding stated here: [] .

An aside: a little pet peeve of mine, time = money only if you would be making money with that time.

@resu427: British spellings, both.

@Paul Kerton: And the volume button still has the same behavior where holding it down turns off all the volume anyway. Which is still inconsistent with the rest of the iOS devices anyway.

Lol, there's been so much TSA coverage on this site lately I thought this was a TSA advisory for when you record them violating your rights.

@daqman: You mean from a developer standpoint? Because AFAIK there's no way to quit apps for normal users.

@Squid_Tamer: It's as much an energy source as oil though isn't it? Oil took millions of years of pressure and heat to create. We were just lucky enough that the Earth created it for us.

@leadingZer0: Not to mention they only trapped 38 antihydrogen atoms according to New Scientist.

Lol, floppies are so old these posters are obsolete.

@kyleshark: I guess the next question is: how much would you have made without iTunes in the picture?

Considering the latest version of iTunes just came out, wouldn't someone have found some mention of cloud-based music in the code already? Seems big enough to require code on the client side.