
I thought Tunsil handled himself very well in the interviews he did after the draft. He didn’t lie or try to deny anything. He didn’t get angry or try to blame someone else. He didn’t even seem bitter or upset that he probably lost several million dollars. He admitted it was him, said it was mistake, said he was happy


Looks like Cleveland...

Say what you will about Adolf Hitler but he did kill Hitler.

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

All choices have consequences.

Aziz looks like he is practicing for a role playing Joe Torre in a Yankees mini-series.

Though I try not to get too salty about cultural appropriation—most of these issues are intellectually murkier than the Outrage Machine would have us believe

To intercept your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of their fans.

So, did Josh Norman turn down the Carolin Panther’s offer. And having no further concern, he and his companions sought adventure in the free agent market. Many wars and feuds did Josh Norman fight. Honor and fear were heaped upon his name and, in time, he became a king by his own hand... And this story shall also be

If Jordan sat out a game in the playoffs, the 95-96 Bulls would have won by 37. That’s how much better Jordan is than Curry.

Maybe people who believe anything a disgruntled bitter ex player says is really the dumb fuck here.

Ohh I get it!! Everyone has to agree w you or they work in a fast food restaurant!!

If Americans are willing to pay double what they currently pay for cheaply made goods manufactured in China, have at it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Who do you think is buying all that shit?

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

There are a couple hundred Malayan tigers left; just leaving them all where they live is maybe not the best way to still have Malayan tigers in ten years.

Which odds are more astronomical: the ball finding that gap in the netting, or it finding an occupied seat at a Rays game?

Awful only because he could have gotten so much more billable hours from her.