AKA gotta milk that sweet, sweet bribe money from tech companies for a few more years.
AKA gotta milk that sweet, sweet bribe money from tech companies for a few more years.
Their bball program is so obviously dirty I’m amazed they haven’t been dragged into this yet.
Greece must be getting really desperate to pay off those loans.
Fair enough. It probably has something to do with Harvey’s sort of aloofness about how he conducts himself. It just seems like he uses it when it convients him, rather than it being genuine in an Eli Manning sort of way. I couldn’t care less about him avoiding the media, but he’s just making a bigger mess to deal with…
I wouldn’t call questioning how added weight could affect a pitcher’s play fat shaming, especially when balance plays a huge role in pitching. If you’ve ever trained with a weight vest, 8-10 pounds is a huge difference. Yeah fat fucks can pitch, but typically they came into the majors that way.
Regardless of where contact was made, a player should never be kicking upwards that hard and high in basketball unless he’s being undercut by another player.
It’ll never happen because safety, laws, etc. but add they should add booze. Like beer bongs during pit stops for each side of new tires or moonshine if they wanna get back to their roots.
His stint as Egypt’s NT manager was impressive as hell too. Better win% than his US record and they didn’t even have a domestic league for the majority of his tenure.
It was worth it just to see the ref go borderline Zidane mode
Do they even sell baseball bats outside North America/East Asia?
Is that pose a BLM thing? I wouldn’t even tie the two together if it wasn’t mentioned. It sorta looks like the Olympic picture but their arms are at their side so I’m thinking it's an inside joke or something
Seriously. I wouldn’t call their defending good, but it was easily the least shitty aspect of their performance.
I dunno but he needs to be more discreet doing his Trotskies.
🎶Temeculaa, it’s not even motherfuckin Fresno🎶
Gringo is my person favorite. Really rolls off the tongue.
Is there a rule in Italy where every goddamn person on the field has to go and touch the carded player?
Without a doubt the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I’m even into adult swim weird/fucked up humor, but FGF isn’t even worth watching for it’s awfulness.
Bob Huggins is gonna be pissed when he reads about this tomorrow.
If you bitch about people going up/down one or two floors, you’re an ass. Holding the door open while you’re finishing up the story about your weekend with a random coworker is a million times worse and deserves death via gas chamber. (Farts in said elevator)