
Seems to me a responsible step would be to amend building codes to require installation of vent hoods that automatically switch on when the gas burners are turned on, and offer rebate subsidies for purchase and installation of automatic vent hoods to existing homes with gas burners.

I did grow up with a gas stove that we had to manually light and I did have asthma, so maybe anecdote is not data.”

You’re failing to consider unintended consequences. Get rid of natural gas infrastructure and thousands in the upper Midwest who heat their homes with gas furnaces will freeze. Or be sent into bankruptcy having to replace the furnace, water heater AND stove.

I lived for years with a gas stove and then moved and now I have an electric stove with a glass cooktop. It sucks. It is the worst thing to cook on, and every time I use it, I lament not having a gas stove anymore. The way that the burners on the glass cooktop cycle on and off rather than holding a consistent

Even with electric, if you’re searing or frying anything, you should have proper ventilation. I’m at this point now and am in the process of getting a proper vent. We have an air purifier in another room that kicks into high gear any time I cook. 

Oh wow hey guess what I did grow up with a gas stove that we had to manually light and I did have asthma, so maybe anecdote is not data.

Causing 25% of childhood asthma cases is a public health hazard.

That’s what I’m planning on when I remodel my kitchen and relocate the stove: a powered vent. To me, nothing heats up a wok as well as a gas appliance (why I wanted the vent in the first place). That and to have a backup when the power fails as pantrog mentioned.

Wouldn’t it be easier, cheaper, and less wasteful to just install vents for the stoves. That’s what the report is predicated on, poor ventilation. I don’t know why this is the hill y’all want to die on, when it can so easily be fixed with a simple vent.

Besides, just because I can get a nice sear with a gas range, is that advantage worth the risk we present to ourselves, our (increasingly asthmatic!) children, our homes, and our environment every day by streaming natural gas directly into our kitchens?

I’m not interested in telling people what they should or shouldn’t like, but stop pretending to be shocked by very obvious things. His movies are clever genre pieces that try new things while largely abiding to the formula, and are incredibly well-directed. Seriously—we like genre because it is something we already

Yup. Lea Seydoux is playing Margot Fenring but I can’t find any announcement about Hasimir at all.  If the Lady is in it, her husband probably is too.

I literally took one look at that dude’s picture and said “Fenrig”.

The Obvious answer is Count Fenrig, and that is the educated geeks guess, but it could really be anything, it could be someone in the court, but if its a named character, the money is on Count Fenrig.

See?  I dig low-key superpower shows.  The one that comes to mind is one that got sacrificed in the Fox Friday Death Slot back in the 90's.  I’d love to find and watch the run of ‘Strange Luck’ sometime.

You almost have to respect that they didn’t know how to end it, so they didn’t.

Honestly, this looks like fun.

I thought this Dune was far better.  I know the original was limited by FX but everything looked like Dune meets Flash Gordon.  I really liked the overall aesthetic of this version and lord knows the acting was better.

This is seriously a strong candidate for the biggest self-own in the history of Twitter. The tweet where Greta crushed him is one of the most liked tweets ever on Twitter, and then on top of that he helped get himself trying to do a thoroughly bad reply! What a wild thing to happen. 

Imagine being SO INSECURE that you blow up your whole criminal enterprise because you can’t let a comment from a teenager go?