
Funny, wife and I are doing a side by side play through again. So every time our kids hear Jack, they think Adventure Time is on 0_0.

I think the age of Anime is over in the west. American youth are much more interested in playing modern warfare, Halo, Assassins Creed, over trudging through something like Nocturne, or even a Final Fantasy.

Be still my heart. All this needs is a little Roberta Williams.

No Ferret "War Dance" I'm dissapointed.

Tetris /yawn


Different games, but I agree. Tri at 1080p = hotness.

Also what is your definition of " a timely manner"

I played GW1 extensively, I now play GW2 as well. GW1 was more a single player game with multiplayer arenas than anything close to an mmo. I believe their costs are extremely lean. I any case I wont condemn your choice in entertainment. I have my TSW life sub that I am more than happy with as well.

When I see GW2 with monthly content updates then sure.

Because it costs money to run servers and pay for maintenance staff. It also costs money to release content updates in a timely manner.

Oh but you can! No spoilers from me Sir!

Ragnar Tornquist is still the man behind the game. I understand your frustration that good people that you have personally interacted with where let go due to the completion of this project. However an article like this leads to a "Sky is Falling" mentality. I am sure Martin will find other opportunities after

How dare you have a Nocturne avatar and not give this game a chance. If you are a SMT fan I implore you to give the game another shot. Closest thing to a "good" SMT mmo we will ever get.

Get to Egypt, or atleast The Savage Coast. Then come back.

You are missing the OPs point. What the reviewer is doing is akin to picketing to saying "Fillet-O-Fish is disgusting" and then being surprised / upset they cant use the playground at that restaurant because it is closed down.

If you can't pay, then don't play! Simple as that, enjoy your "buy to play" GW2, have fun paying for bag and bank slots with real money. That chest just dropped for you in game? better take out that credit card and buy a key to open it.

TSW no fall damage messes you up in other mmos

Spoiler! His dad is Giovani

If you have the skill and know how to develop a game then you have the skill and know how to earn $100. Mow a few lawns even.