
The problem with this idea is the fact that other passengers are likely to see the "gun" and freak out. Think about it. She's going to be sitting in a crowded seat with her purse in her lap, probably have her arms half-folded across the purse, and all people can see is something that looks like the handle of a gun

That's a fallacy that was originally taught in schools to try and enforce rules of Latin grammar on the English language. Sometimes, prepositions at the end of a sentence are just fine.

With the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Hey, you could always preface it with "No offense..."

I dunno, it usually brightens my day when people ask if I've lost weight... But if you're looking for a more tactful way of commenting on someone's weight loss, you can always say something more generic like "You're looking really great!" That gives them the opportunity to proudly reply with "Thanks, I've lost some

You could say something like:

TMI, dude, TMI.

Having clicked through, read the complete Instructable, and looked at all the pictures, I can safely say there is no final picture of the machine actually in use with photos of the resulting projection. Which is what everyone is wanting to see. One might suggest you follow your own advice before insulting people for

Have you tried enabling Personalized recognition on your Android phone?

My god, I'd almost forgotten about that. +1 internetz to you.


Yeah, it's less of a "void" and more of a crowd with their hands up all yelling "Ooo! Me! Pick me!"

Rule #1 of LifeHacker: Never try the Really Cool Web Thing™ on the same day LifeHacker posts an article about it.

Watch the video again. The Settings button next to Auto Focus has tick boxes for One Page and Two Page. They change it at 0:09, or it's visible in the first screen of the video.

Ever looked at your reflection in a spoon, and seen yourself upside-down? It's the same effect. Even the lens of the eye has been shown to project light upside-down onto the retina, and then the brain automatically flips the image to process it.

Yeah, here I was thinking they actually had an app called "Siri for Android"... The headline on this article is completely misleading, since it's making the claim that any Siri-type Android app sucks against Siri.

I do like the fact that Springpad lets you share recipes. I've got mine in a shareable Notebook that I can link family and friends to so they can see the awesomeness I keep finding, without having to fish through the other Public stuff on my Springpad account: []

Oh for pete's sake, Gawker... I HAD an image attached to that!

I suck at photography, but here you go. Want the recipe?

Well for one, how big is your cat? You might have to get a tree with a stand big enough to keep her from knocking it down. If you can't, try anchoring a hook in the ceiling, and attach the top of the tree to it with fishing line. It'll be barely visible and keep the tree from getting knocked over.