
What kind of games are you into? (Edited for reply-ability)

Thanks to your "Make it so" comment, I now want Patrick Stewart's voice on my phone.

In that case, use the approach as illustrated by Animal above: two flyswatters and a drum solo. *HEADBANGS*

It could work, though they'd have to rig the stage with a trench for the puppeteers and/or add props to make it work.


You could try Tramontina, they sell them at Walmart. Lodge also has an enameled Dutch oven that's only slightly more expensive than the Tramontina.

Magic Bullet. My mom got me one for Christmas (it was the freebie in the BOGO offer when she bought hers) and I used it ALL the time for blending. Smoothies, salsa (I hate chunky salsa), bread crumbs, pretty much anything that needed just a little blending or chopping... but mostly salsa. I ate a lot of salsa. It

I just let my cats catch them. It's better than watching TV. Especially when they forget to watch out for the water bowl while lunging for a fly, and land in it butt-first.

In short: Hover your swatting implement over the fly, not close enough to scare it off but close enough for it to notice. The fly will see the implement and ready itself for the hit...

Tip #1: Stop telling yourself you'll sort it later. You know you won't. Stop lying to yourself.

Bah, hipsters were painting cave walls before cave walls were cool.

I've heard tell you can draw on a whiteboard with Sharpies, and then draw over it with a dry-erase marker to remove said Sharpie marks later. [] That would certainly solve the problem!

Rice cooker. I'm sorry, for some reason I alone (apparently) hold the secret to making perfect rice without it, and all the other supposed awesome uses for it, I really don't need. I'd much rather cook my own normal way without the hassle of finding and buying a decent cooker that will cook things properly and then

How bizarre! I seriously JUST read an article yesterday on how to do this with a different type of food: Indian appalam crackers. They're certainly a lot harder to come across, but the results are amazingly detailed in their assessment:

My cats would absolutely love this table to death!

Me too... Though this is an excellent reminder of ways to not be a hermit. I watch my friends on Facebook, but I forget how personal a phone call can be.

I keep finding all kinds of wine racks at thrift stores. It seems like there's never a shortage, in various styles, from wood to wire, small to standing. Until thrift stores run out of wine racks, I'll probably never build my own OR buy at a store. Especially not such a generic-looking one.

Ahhh yes, the importance of a good warranty... Never to be underestimated in a mattress purchase.

I'm not sure where you live, but up here in the state of Washington, a lot of grocery stores have an organic/allergen-free section, and that's where you'll find the soy, rice, almond, and coconut milk, usually in unrefrigerated boxes on the shelves. If your regular store doesn't have it, look for the specialty