
Yeah, the father’s a victim all right! You need to grow up and live in the real world where fathers don’t always protect their daughters, yeah?

You could try just fighting the issue next time. I mean you’re obviously smart and passionate, you don’t need to call someone a “fucking idiot” even if you think they are completely wrong. :|

Hey fuckstick!

Got anything to say now?

Well you know what, I at least appreciate you saying this, unlike the assholes throughout this thread who kept calling me a rape apologist because I wanted to see the true story emerge, because I knew what was being reported initially wasn’t clear. What can I say? I have scumbag radar.

You might want to keep up with the details of this horrific story before you go saying I called the girl a liar, which I never did in the first place. If you need some direction, go back to my original thread.

Look, I know you were just defending the victim. But maybe next time don’t be so shitty, mean, and rude about it when someone like myself is asking questions about what exact awful things transpired that night. We are both on her side here.

The fact that you would call drunk sex between an 18-year-old woman and her estranged father “consensual” tells me everything I need to know about how you would like to see this case played out. Goodbye.

Anyone who is familiar with neglectful/addict parenting knew something was up from the beginning, starting with his unnecessary and indecent Saturday interview of “I left and they took turns with her.” Father of the year indeed.

Now that you’re done word vomiting and insulting me, perhaps you’d like to read this and get back to me about there being more than one victim here:

This too

Believe what you want to believe. Please stay away from NYC.

You have not cited a single fact that would support that he is not lying (or omitting information). See how this works? Why don’t you go call the New York Times metro staff fucking idiots?

Look, be a complete twat and speak to me condescendingly; I don’t care. I don’t know what happened, neither do you. Do you even live here?

Fair enough. Thank you for your polite response.

This is not one of those cases.

It’s not a stupid response. It’s a polite response because nothing I say will appease you, unless I do a 180 and yell I BELIEVE THE FATHER!

You may be right. We don’t know.

He was drinking with his underage daughter in a park, although he was identified as her friend and not her father for at least 24 hours after the crime. He had no cell phone on him at the time, nor did she. Gothamist reported that after the gun was pulled on him and he ran for help, he went to two different bodegas,

Yes, that is the father’s testimony