
Not necessarily.

Here is the point. Just because the current model is dying doesn't mean you should blindly jump the ship. They had a deal with Netflix and Amazon so it's not that they weren't willing to trying new things.

He only hates modern Japanese games. Fez does rip-off old fashioned ones.

I love how Tim Cook tried to do presentations in his own way and not Jobs' way.

So the name is actually "New iPad", WTF?

"Apple used to be like Sony. We were the company that made cool things" - Steve Jobs ,1995

Sony and Symantec are part of the injustice too?

Agree. Even DA2 dragon battles are better than in Skyrim. At least that one made me feel like I fought with something special, not just a "meh, not this again" mob.

You can try a program call Wine. It's free and let you run some windows games.

I don't care who wins. I'm an apple fan so I'll always go for iPhone.

I call BS. It's just a photoshopped picture. They can have any resolution they want and even if iPad 3 didn't come with a retina display it would be so easy to just sharpen it (—").

Wrong. Men Think Women Wearing "Nothing In front of them" Are More Interested in Sex

"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way

I once found a great $7.99 game. It was a great game, high quality on both game play and graphics. However, there are so many people complained that the game was "TOO EXPENSIVE".

To many elements optimized specially for the touch pad/touch screen.

No it's not what you think it is. The censor is capable of capturing 41 mp but it will be used to generate the final output of 8MP. This way the final picture can be crazily sharp even when in the place with no light.

"Beta" means "I know it works quite ok and I know you may like it. It needs more tests but I don't want to hire more testers so I'll let you help me testing it for free. if it screws something up don't bitch you early adapting bastard!"

So they now have 3 10.1" tablet lines.

Ironically, the design reminds me of the Zune.

It's not just in video game business. "Windows' killer", "Google's killer", "iPad's killer", "Netflix's killer", these shits are all over the medias.