
Why do they have to be shuttered? How about we just explain (using the law) that if you want to be a bishop, you can go be a bishop, but if you want to be a doctor, you have to do your fucking job. And if you deny care to a miscarrying woman until she is septic and needs a radical hysterectomy, you will get fined so

Okay, so the argument is that the Catholic hospital is the only hospital in lots of cities and regions, and if the government or insurance won’t pay them money for medical care, the Catholic hospital just will make the patient pay instead. It’s like they are the crazy guy threatening to shoot the hostage if we make

“Will we begin forcing women to carry non-viable pregnancies to term?”

“undue their damage”? - For crying out loud, Gawker

Why would the choice over whether to stay pregnant ever, EVER, MOTHERFUCKING EVER belong to anyone other than the person who has to carry the pregnancy to term and give birth?

Aww... You’re not trying to be an asshole, and you really are honestly looking for someone to explain why it’s not okay for an adult to “have sex with” a child? That’s sweet. Let me see if I can help you answer your honest question about this thing you legitimately don’t understand....

And abortion is literally the opposite of at least babies and parenting.

What other games do you like? I ask because I’m temporarily burned out on Civ, but I can’t find other games I like nearly as well. Is there anything else I can play while I wait for my interest in Civ to return (as it always does)?

Why are we talking about how vulgar and dumb Trump is? It’s not Trump - it’s the rallies full of people who are eating up his overt racism and xenophobia. You have literally millions of Americans ready to vote for the guy who calls for state sponsored internment and torture based on race and religion. This is how the

Ew gross. So who was the “tough, seasoned career woman” who was stuck sitting next to this turdball? Was she really just shielding her face in case anyone she knew saw her?

Oh my god, and the cops in MSP HATE the mayor. It was the head of the goddamn police union who planted the fake “gang sign” story a couple of years ago. Everyone laughed at the story after the Daily Show bit because it was so absurd, but they ignore the pretty chilling detail of the cops making fake, insanely racist

It’s totally unfounded - but yeah, that was my first thought too.

Hey now. Let’s not insult toddlers, okay?

Mine was into Regency. Lots of “Lord So & So’s supple top-boots” and whatnot.

Only if it’s on a bonfire of his “supporters.”

Thanks for the link. I went and donated what I could.

I like the idea. Maybe we could kickstarter the following:

Oh my God, what a fucking whore. Only 13 lbs.? She should be put in jail and force fed. How unbelievably selfish. Women who act like they own their own bodies make me fucking sick. She should be thinking about the precious, precious baby, not herself, her looks, her health, or her body. Feminazi bitch! Now that the

Maybe it matters in the context of, “Jesus, that poor kid is going to have one fucked up mom?”

Hmm... poor people should be sterilized? Yeah, I’d say too far. Considering we’ve already tried that a few times in this country, and we did not wind up feeling good about it after.