
You can't do it with a home espresso machine. I speak with the wisdom of a slacker decade spent in housewares sales and professional coffee preparation.

Interestingly, aging allows you to experience both sides of this. Street harassment and misinterpreted friendliness started for me at eleven (which is super weird, because I hit puberty quite late), and I dealt with it most of my life. I was conventionally attractive - not a bombshell, just nice-enough looking - and

It's.... I think I might be past rage, even. I think I'm on to despair. "Aiyana's parents – had been forced to sit in their child's blood for hours." All the anger I am capable of is not enough. My anger is absurd, in the face of that.


But CPS *should* have taken that woman's kids away. Why are we saying it is a bad thing, again? If she had taken the kid to the hospital after the first time (or second, third, or fourth time) her piece-of-shit boyfriend had beaten, burned and tortured the small child, then yes, the authorities probably would have

I'm sorry. I've been in the same place, and it's really, really hard.

I used to work the overnight shift in a grocery store. There was this middle-aged lady who came in every night at about 2AM. She bought the largest size vanilla extract then threw out the cardboard packaging on her way out the door.

"Wanna bet that a lot of women would avenge real or purported injustices in the most bloody way and I'm not talking about avenging rape or domestic violence. I'm talking about shitty bosses, nagging neighbors or the boy who dumped them in highschool or called them fat once"