pandorasmittens version 3.0

I get yours as well! I’m just sick of people constantly utilizing this case not as a tragedy on multiple levels and a miscarriage of justice, but as some “boohoo won’t someone think of the white girl!” narrative. What happened to Knox happens to so many people in this world, and at least she got out.

A) Meredith.

I get where you’re coming from. In the ad world, a small or midsized agency could still have 350 employees, mainly because your conglomerates have over 20,000 employees.


As has been pointed out, there are literally no outlets saying this. Stop pretending that there are, or maybe step back from all those Providence hipster “Libertyfests” for a moment and truly take a long, hard look at how this woman has been covered in the media for thee past 24 years. She has been thoroughly

Gurl, I don’t need your help. I’ve read and reread ( ironically to the point where one of the Men of Jezebel is actually someone I know, and would totally agree with the online assessment) and the only question is, seriously, why? This individual brings little redeeming value to the commentary. They behave like your

That’s not the point, and you know it. Please don’t deflect an honest question. And seriously? Everyone comes back. This place is the Walking Dead on steroids. Arken, Bloo, Squid, whatever will be back more than likely. And your strategy will be what? Shit talk again? Come on, now. You’re smart; so is the vast

Honest--not snarky, not patronizing--question: Why do y’all care so much? I’ve been here since before Kinja (and owe the loss of my account to not switching over!) and this is a disingenuous troll at best, an attention whore at moderation, and a truly disturbed individual at worst. Not worth the time. We’ve seen so

Granted, there are folks on this very thread that have more or less “comtributed” to the bullshit around here lately. And I count everyone. You engage (the universal you, not you personally)? You obsessively post links to months old comversations? You gaslight? You threaten? You “poll”? I don’t give a shit what side

For the life of me, I can’t get why people are piling on you here. From where I sit, you’ve made rational points and (over)clarified that the officer is at fault and should be prosecuted. That is not mutually exclusive to the reality that the brotherhood in blue generally only applies to white men. We get justice for

So, I started commenting here when Pimp My Vadge was a thing, but fell off a few years back.