
If you think showing up rarely if ever to make a cogent point regarding the much commented upon and critiqued-by internal and external sources- editorial direction of this site is “outrage”, maybe you should spend more time paying attention in your 8th grade algrebra class than posting here.

You said this in a much nicer way than I did :)

Next time, attempt to rephrase your diss as a coherent comment and it may actually have some impact. But hey, you tried.

Exactly. She was a girl that was brought into a niche market, and her early music was fine for what it was (though unlike other artists, she didn’t need 16 writing credits on a single song).

She is rich and white. That’s literally all it is. If this exact song came from Cardi B, it would be hailed around these parts as a Gay Anthem.

Seriously; our Chuck E Cheeses were these dark, cavernous pits with no windows and no clocks- not unlike a casino. The animatronics were all in these portrait windows and the arcade where you didn’t win tickets was three times the size of the one where you did.

Ive mentioned my foodservice career before, so I have a little feedback on B.

As the show goes on, it gets harder and harder to root for June (though Moss is still excellent). Commander Lawrence nailed it last week: June is a homewrecker that fell into an ideal relationship and now expects that she can just fall out of Gilead and behave however she wants and get the same ending. 

Clearly, you have little to no exposure to business travel.

They weren’t; they were spread out season to season and the violence was often intimated instead of shown.

Cutthroat Island definitely isn’t as crappy as people seem to remember it, but MAN is it a treasure trove of every single pirate cliche. Go into it with some liquor and an attitude for camp, and it’s entertaining enough.

The contrast betweeen the adult and child actors was particularly apparent pin Harry Potter because it was a stable of some of the best British actors in history. On top of it, the audience was meant to grow with the child actors, and that meant their cringe tweens would eventually become their cringe teens. The

Like so many “Make-Up Oscars”, her award from Silver Linings Playbook was the “we really should have given it to you for Winter’s Bone”, much like Kate Winslet’s for The Reader was her “Sorry about Sense & Sensibility” Oscar.

Yep, and it’s particularly jarring that June is still alive and unharmed. Janine was a successful handmaid and they were ready to stone her. Red Center bombing or not, it’s jarring that while Serena and Emily are mutiliated, June just coasts with body parts intact.

Replace women and white with “people”, and you’ve got an argument.

The heavy hand of production has really been making itself known. It started, albeit slightly, on S6, was obvious on 8, went to the dogs on AS3 and 10 (I’m still bitter about Mayhem Miller and Thorgy) and then we have 11 and AS4.

I mean, Sharon, Jinx, Sasha, and Aquaria are the only white main season winners, so it’s not exactly as if the show is drowning in white people. Granted, three out of five AllStars are white, but no one in their right mind would argue Chad and Alaska didn’t deserve it solidly over everyone else.

I think the snark is slightly misplaced as well, but if the article was “the best way to make white people care about racial equality is to make them feel more welcome and make it more about them” my guess is that everyone in the comments would be singing a very different song about how it’s “not their job” to do so-


Truth be told, I was sitting in the snow at the end of the trail secretly hoping Nicole S would never come back.