Exactly. And if Pence proved to be too far right (which many GOPers feel he is), he will be successfully primaried by a more “moderate” Republican with better chances at getting elected.
Exactly. And if Pence proved to be too far right (which many GOPers feel he is), he will be successfully primaried by a more “moderate” Republican with better chances at getting elected.
Shhh, whatever you do, dont bring up ethics in lolicon or else they'll reeeee thenselves into the dust about how "it's actkshually hebephilia".
Rule #1 of internet commenting: If they have an anime girl profile pic, they probably aren't worth arguing with and will continue to sealion you with their pedantry.
He isn’t wrong. There’s a difference between solid critique of art and simply being critical, and being “this sux dany sux jon sux what would GRRM do” is pretty much a slap in the face to the people that spent the better portion of a decade essentially giving their lives to the show.
In the books, yes. The books also have fAegon still in play though, so who knows.
Tudor Pedant Incoming: Henry VIII did not annul his marriage to Katharine of Aragon, though he sought a formal dispensation from the Pope to do so. The Vatican continuously refused. THEN he went at it from the angle that she was his brother’s widow amd thus their marriage was invalid, though she maintained that the…
Not to mention that once Rhaegar died, Aerys disinherited his heirs and named Viserys Crown Prince, hence why they fled to Dragonstone. None of Rhaegar’s line were regarded as legitimate, so technically, Dany IS the proper heir to the Iron Throne after her brother and Jon is essentially modified Gendry.
There are a LOT of great elements left out of this series. “Winds of Winter” alone has massive setpieces that were consigned to the “elsewhere” part of these recaps. “Dragonstone” was completely ignored, with its dead Freys opening the episode, and it ending with the one character that we have been WAITING for to…
This is great. Maybe next, we can call out women’s issues and a certain “it’s okay if progressive candidates are 'pro-life'" someone.
What was particularly insane was that Notre Dame went on a 32-16 break after Cox went out. If she were still in the game, it probably wouldn’t have even been close.
To be fair, in TWOW sample chapters, he does flirt with burning Theon before Asha tells him that to earn the trust of the Northerners, Theon should die a proper traitors death in the north by being beheaded in front of a a Weirwood. That, coupled with Mel, Shireen, and Selyse still at Castle Black could mean that SOMEO…
Isn’t the reason Stoneheart is a single-minded zombie mostly due to her being dead too long and her body being especially bloated from water, though? That, and a slit throat.
Exactly. Since ADWD, I’d been waiting to see this scene. It’s Dany finally embracing who she needs to be after again allowing councilors to persuade her.
Maddie always seemed a bit more... level headed... and focused than a lot of the girls (and their moms). She really stayed out of the drama for the most part, even as the moms screamed at her about her getting “unfair attention”. Even now as a near adult that has done film and tv, I always got the impression that Maddi…
Tori is amazing. Cornflake Girl was the perfect encapsulation of how messed up and interesting the dynamics of female friendships can be.
If you are looking for a good read, try “90s Bitch”. It says essentially the same thing: That “choose your choice, I’m sexy” girl power essentially erased the progress of the 70s-90s because it doesn’t matter that you “own” that you’re a stripper; what matters is that the men that patronize you look at you as an object…
You jest, but HBC is a phenomenal actress, and the Burtonization of her career torpedoed some oportunities - that and her famously scathing remarks about Woody Allen -(though she is likely laughing all the way to the bank). She was robbed of an Oscar IMO for Wings of the Dove, and as Oscar baity as Kings Speech, Howar…
The Black Cauldron actually had an immensely popular attraction in Tokyo Disney; it was like Jungle Cruise but through the castle and in Japanese. At the end, a rider got selected to wield the sword and kill a pretty sweet animatronic of the Horned King.
True story: I am godmother to my best friends two boys. The oldest managed to get until fucking seven years old without wiping his own ass. He would use the toilet, bend over, and call an adult.