
The man telling Ms. Gayle King that he’s “fighting to have a relationship with his kids,” withheld $160K+ from them? That ain’t fightin’ too hard.

Odds are pretty good that some will start shootin’ just for the helluvit, and because they know there won’t be any consequences.


Ima call BS. Everyone knows that it’s racist and offensive to wear blackface, or for that matter pose as Asian, Native American, Indian, etc. Those who say it’s acceptable mean that it’s acceptable to mock, belittle and offend other races and cultures. Who ARE the 27% of black people who think that’s OK? Those who go

Indicating that she believes there is an appropriate circumstance for it, just not this one. (?!)

Michelle Obama is indisputably one of the most likable first ladies lady ever to inhabit the role.


It’s like Pence was the model for that tiny terror.

Never heard of this movie but now I must see it.

Raisins are why I don’t eat oatmeal cookies.

I prefer #parkingpatty.  

Somebody drunk. (allegedly)

Same. Adding it to my streaming queue NOW.

Rebel Wilson?

The Root could not confirm if he calls himself “J.D.”...”

Two days ago? I say two years ago. That’s right, before it started.