
it'll only post the link and not the image womp womp

Class, now let's all turn our attention to Mr. Scott Tobias' mostly boring review.

we know

Jennifer Connelly in A Beautiful Mind is my crush forever.

hello? is anybody home?

I hate Bon Iver's 22, A Million, which should be understandable because the sound is definitely one of those things you either love or hate. Still adore his debut though ("For Emma" is a classic in my ears).

yepppppp that Chance album didn't really work as well for me as it did for others, and I'm also very much not a Frankie Cosmos fan.

Yessssssssss the world needs more love for A Moon Shaped Pool (an album that blew me away and occupied my world for a few months in a row)

I've been waiting for this movie all year and it's finally here! It's exactly what I need right now. Plus the music is everything I love.

god are people at Glamour stupid as fuck

Doctuar, hi! and whoa, I haven't seen a pair on the streets in years. that kid is retro.

everything stinks

oh, they light up and lace themselves? big deal

I misread your comment as "love Tears For Fear". I JUST LIKE THEM I PROMISE.

MAYBE I DO (I don't)

I would love to get an Angela-only episode. I find her so compelling and Portia Doubleday just continues doing fantastic work.

I've been enjoying Angela's storyline more than his this season. I'm not saying I don't like his stuff, but Angela has been much more compelling for me. I guess it's just a personal preference.

I want to hear a full version of Angela's karaoke rendition!

haha same to the paying for music thing. I really can't even keep up with naming all these new releases but you guys got me covered here.