
I do feel like I fit in with my friends. At school not so much. I always feel like the dumbest kid in the lecture hall and as though other classmates get really condescending. Being self-deprecating makes other people look down on me. Maybe that's just what STEM kids do, who knows.

Why go through the mess of marriage so many times if you're going to cheat and they're going to fall apart anyway? That's a lot of legal bullshit for no reason.

I agree with everything in your comment.

I've missed most of the current season due to schoolwork, but for some reason I always watch an older episode of The Good Wife when I sit down to eat or after a long day. Those episodes are always from seasons 1 through 5 though.

I keep thinking of the stories he's told about his little girl and parenting and such with his wife.

Something about Purple Rain and When Doves Cry

Well only 4/10 episodes were watched for review so maybe there'll be bumps on the road further down the line

The universe has forsaken us

What a clusterfuck of a year.

I just don't think The Omen is interesting enough for all the reboots and spin offs. There's not much there and all the attempts at trying to make the new stuff a thing are all terribly written.

Badass Women: The Movie

Dangerous is a good way to describe her mentality

The only song I really truly hate by Maroon 5 is "Sugar"

Music is definitely my go to when I'm wallowing. I either alternate with really sad stuff thats specific to what I'm going through or party jams like I'm Jesse Pinkman when he's so depressed and sitting in front of a booming speaker.

Tom Hiddleston on my TV sounds amazing

Jesus christ, that Frontline is definitely a must-watch.

Six seven eight triple nine eight two one two

I'd be so sad if Nacho were sniped! Really like that guy.

Michael McKean's performance was perfect. That first scene in the ER was something else.

I feel so fucking angry. I try to empathize with characters but Chuck is one character I hate so deeply. From the cold open I knew we were in for an A1 "FUCK YOU CHUCK" plot but the execution was brilliant and harrowing.