
Yes...ignorance...must be bliss

You fucking people are relentless. Aside from the possibility that this kid simply didn’t want to lose to a girl...which is possible...what kind of situation do you think people are in today? Thought experiment - he wrestles her, kicks her ass, she gets a shoulder injury...half of your group would be bashing this kid

Doughnuts for days in this bad boy....

Children in cages...not a good thing. But, do we just let people in the country without the proper paperwork? Because there are laws in our country against this, meaning those that break those laws will be arrested. So what do we do with the children? Maybe some better living arrangements...or, what I’m assuming

So, there should be no debate over anything? I will agree that there is no ‘both sides’ to vaccinations, whether climate change is happening, or whether gay people should have rights...but MOST political situations do have a ‘both sides’ argument. Just because you can cherry pick a few that shouldn’t, doesn’t mean

I’m not really someone to say ‘take their speech away’...but isn’t there some type of change needed here? We should have a free press, but when that free press is abused to an extent where it’s hard for people to know the actual truth of a situation, shouldn’t there be a structure in place? I find it extremely ironic

Ahhh...the comfort of the echo chamber

You’re not giving too much credit. It’s exactly what the film was meant to portray. The problems with Hollywood, and the method acting that some do. The simple reason for this article, ‘there doesn’t have to be an actual straw to grasp....just something that looks like one’.

So by your logic of my ‘cuteness’, I can’t be ‘dead middle’ on my political stances if I call out the arrogance and pure nonsense of a specific political party? I could write a book on the hypocrisies of the Right as well, but my specific comment on this matter was about the political leaning of the majority of the

Being someone that prides themselves on being dead middle on political agendas, and also not making a judgement about a politician based on their party line....I do find it funny, and rather interesting, how so many of the liberal party are so quick to call out the idiots for not vaccinating their children, when it is

Let’s just get this out there. I realize it’s an unpopular opinion among those trying to make stories, but not a good QB. You have the right to be butt hurt, and try to make a story about the kneeling....but him not being signed is much less about his kneeling, and much more about his poor style of play. actually believe this shit? That there aren’t people out there that have no ill feelings toward others based solely off the color of their skin? Or their gender/orientation for that matter? It’s this thought process that keeps racism alive and well. Instead of looking for the good in anyone, you label them

Unions at their base are very positive. The issue comes into play when unions have written in such heavy protection for the worker. There should be protections, and compensation no doubt...But take most teacher’s unions for example. Once they’ve put in enough time, tenure rules over performance, effectively making it

uhh...hi, i live in ohio. Close with some people in that neighborhood and had to watch every video on the news because that’s all they talked about for 3 weeks. The cops moved rather fast, and there’s not really an excuse for that other than a pressure situation that we will probably never understand. What i will

Actual ones? Yes....The American group that believes they are and shows up at protests to accost other groups....real, here and alive and well. Similar to the Nazis....are there actual Nazis in America? Nope, but there are groups who believe they are.

So, we as a group are going to completely ignore the fact that this group of white douches weren’t the only ones there causing problems. That they weren’t actually inciting any violence, but the other group there was making threats toward both these white dudes, and the native group? Wait, I people,

So even after all of the reports, and the ability for you to watch the 50+ minute video of this entire all still neglect to do it and go on with what the media is telling you to be pissed about? I’ve watched it, because I couldn’t believe that people were actually this sinister. I saw the entire

Fair enough. With that said, and my many other conversations with people that voted for her....why is it so outside the realm of possibility that half of those that voted for Trump didn’t do that same thing? People that looked at her history of corruption, and the email debacle (that got way out of hand in the

Self importance has zero to do with my statement. The fact is, neither of them were the ‘better’ option. Simply thinking that one of them was because you purely detest the other...and no other reason than asinine. Someone can claim ‘oh i like her policy on....’ or ‘oh i liked his statement on....’ and the

And voting for Clinton would have been a better option? When are people going to start realizing that the two candidates we had to choose from were the worst kind of garbage known to man. Trump is a garbage human, there is not doubt. But look back in Clinton’s past at her stance on a lot of social issues, and see that