
I’m charmed by your belief that she’s literate.

Person on the right doesn’t seem to be as into the idea of a three-way as the other two.

It’s ColOmbia - not ColUmbia. Unless we’re talking about ivy league kids boning neanderthals which, okay.

To quote Caribou Barbie:

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

Now playing

The last thing she recorded was this duet with Tony Bennett and she sounds pretty damn incredible to me.

So fucking true.

I assume the hair situation is likely at the core of most, if not all, of these payoffs we’re hearing about. No one can hear the truth about the hair!

Thank you for saying this.

Is this article serious? Really?

How does she still not get that her playing to both sides is part of why she was such a shit candidate.

May the student population of Stanford vandalize that shit daily with the quotes Doe herself wished to be presented.

trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.

Mueller should change his name to Robert Transgender Fetus Climate Change and really put Trump in a Catch-22.

Jill Stein is an idiot.

“It’s almost like... people record Christmas albums when they have literally nothing to say and want to get handsomely compensated for doing so.”

ACA is the law, and the president can’t unilaterally violate the law. This move shouldn’t stand up in court any more than his travel ban did.

i think this might be too late so not enough people will know about this assault, but i would love to be wrong

Changed my life. But their parody of Grey Gardens was effing hilarious, so will watch.