
Thank you.

I’d be there like a shot if the Talking Heads were part of the lineup.

Anyone who compares them to The Talking Heads needs to have their juice box taken away and be sent to their room for a nap.

When I was growing up my parents went to the local pound and got us a dog. We loved that dog. Then, when he died, we went and got another dog from the pound. While it didn’t make us forget our first dog, we loved that dog too.

I think that the scariest part of this is that he must truly, deeply believe that he’s done no wrong. Whatever story he’s told himself (and Camille) he’s told enough that he’s brainwashed himself (not her, though. She knows.) I feel like the realization would probably kill him where he stood; stop his heart. I hope it

They’re not Voldemort.

Nail in the coffin.

I just hate this movie and all its bullshit. Yeah I said it. Bring it.

Who has goosebumps just listening to her voice? She is amazing.

Adele said that throat surgery she had to have (polyp removal and repair of a burst blood vessel) incidentally gave her about four more notes she hadn’t had previously.

Starring for the emancipation bit.

“I don’t know what you would have done if we hadn’t adopted you- you wouldn’t make a very good prostitute”. (Adopted as a child from a communist country. It was a true statment, but vulgar coming from a parent. Emancipated shortly there after).

I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.

Somehow this will cause him to gain another 4-6% in the polls. Because fuck the right wing.

maybe he didn’t apply to west point because he thought it was mainly used as grain storage?

but like lets just take a moment to imagine president ben carson sitting down with egyptian president sisi

Oooh! This will be missed because of my evergray status, but I have seen the collection of trepanned skulls at the Mutter Museum in Philly and it is gruesome! Some of those holes weren’t made with fancy drills - cross hatching on the skulls shows that someone took a blade to the head repeatedly and hoped for the best.