When I saw that, it was so close to a Dogleg first gear setup that I thought of this... Skip to 0:48
Larry, I'm right there with you. I had an '87 CRX Si, so I know all about that fun little car. Would do some very odd things for a FWD car. Didn't torque steer, would do power-on oversteer, not a bad manner in the bunch. Fast enough to get you into trouble, but slow enough that you could still have fun without…
Allow me to introduce to you, my '91 Miata. Vented front disks. Been that way from the factory.
Backscatter is X-Rays.
THAT explains why I damn near had an Audi R8 permanently mounted in the driver's door of my rental car.
See also: Flatlanders going up US-50 or I80 for a ski-trip. 18 year old girl in a Camry on bald tires with the teensy-tiny cable chains on it. WOW! People who have driven in Pleasanton, CA or Sacto all of their lives and have never seen a flake of snow in all that time. Oooo. Lets go to Tahoe, lets go to Reno!@
Nope as I have 2 other gmail accounts, both on apps for domains.
"The wheel's spin" is possessive.
I actually setup my gmail as both gmail and exchange. In the exchange version, I have Contacts and Calendars syncing, in the Gmail version, I have Mail and Notes synced.
I use Dirk Gently's tried and true approach. I pick a car that looks like it knows where it's going, and then I follow it. I rarely get to where I am going, but I always end up where I need to be.
There is.
Czech for "Worker"
If you watch the video, the warning signs are in a bad placement. Putting some form of warning before that crest would have given 3x the sight line to the construction.
For me? a Genmaicha. i have no idea what brand I buy, it's some chinese brand that I pick up at an international market. It's loose leaf that I brew in a Bodum Shin Cha teapress pot (I had to look it up to remember the name) The clightly toasty/bready flavor that the toasted brown rice gives it really soothes out…
In my house, every day is Coffee Day.
I agree with your comment on going through second crack. Lately, there are very few coffees I can stand to take all the way to FC+, and even fewer go to Vienna or French Roast (a.k.a. Charcoal)