
I'd say it's very Poli Sci major to realize that school elections are bullshit.

24 books, in fact.

Real journalists ask the tough questions, like "What newspapers do you read?"

Also, no reward.

There really is a difference between "You're wrong because you're an idiot" and "You're an idiot because you're wrong."

Well, that will be the only time I ever upvote a "RON PAUL 2012" comment, hopefully.

I have never met someone who gives the slightest shit what happens to their work after their death, let alone 70 years after their death. The current system is beyond ridiculous; it's insane.

I completely agree. I think the problem with cheating often enough isn't the fact that you slept around, it's that you did all of this stuff behind your partner's back, violating boundaries that you knew were in place.

I'm more into Jar Jar Baruchel types.

Pshaw, I bet you also think that corporations aren't peopleā€¦

The eugenics question is pretty great for weeding people out too. "Would the world be a better place if people with low IQs weren't allowed to reproduce?"

I'm male-leaning bi and I don't get the appeal of dick pics. If there isn't something more to the picture, like a torso, they usually aren't a turn-on for me.

Oh, so we are still doing "phrasing" after all. Good to know!

Dare I ask what the premise of that show is?

But for the good of which country?

Or, in a modern context, I don't have a problem with the FBI keeping tabs on radical organizations of the left or the right. And I hate to say it, but my respect for the dignity of human life ends at a KKK member's person.

It was actually Sherman Alexie who picked it, and seemingly not at random.

True, but I'll never understand why those people are on a sight like this.

I was actually thinking of doing reviews for the Swedish version of The Bridge, but I suppose I could finally get around to looking at Run for example.

Well, that's all the recommendation I need! I'll have to check it out.