I can't think of a better place to be when this news was announced. I'm kinda jealous, actually.
I can't think of a better place to be when this news was announced. I'm kinda jealous, actually.
I saw a lot of people mention it when her apology came out a couple of days ago. I know I did.
If it's a legitimate trolling, the site has a way of shutting that down.
Which, shocker, people seem to be doing again. I really don't see why everyone's calling him mopey or saying he grew a vagina; the guy thinks Manic Pixie Dream Girl has lost its usefulness. That's a pretty valid complaint.
Doesn't something have to be funny to elicit laughs?
But an armed society is a polite society! Just…don't ask why our homicide rates are so high.
"I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious."
It's an unpopular opinion around here, but I actually don't really hate the hourlong episodes. "Fun Run" is a personal favorite, just because it's filled with classic one-liners and I think it's consistently hilarious. And obviously "Goodbye Toby" is a delight.
Actually, it was less than a hundred, since sodomy was made a capital offense in England in 1533, and the chart I saw graphed executions in the U.S. from 1608 (when the first man was executed in Jamestown) to the present. Still, there weren't many people to execute in those first fifty years, so I'll give you that.
I think there are very few bisexuals who haven't identified one way or the other for convenience; I know I have too. Which is really depressing, come to think of it.
Haha, the more I read from you the more I'm worried we're like twins. More sexually attracted to men, but more romantically attracted to women.
I'm not the only person who's pointed it out, but how fucked up is it that they're probably going to show graphic depictions of violence, but the idea of showing anything above a very mild sex scene is laughed off?
Join the club! We meet on Tuesdays, don't forget to bring a dessert. And condoms.
I'd argue that the singer is a victim (and haven't said otherwise), but that shit like this has repercussions.
It's fairly easy to cite the articles too, since they leap up by hundreds of comments a day after getting posted.
To be fair, this case involved a female victim, so I don't think it was entirely beyond the pale to cite them since this case doesn't really have much to do with how hard it is for male victims to come forward (and I'd argue it's harder). Still, I'll grant that any false rape accusation poisons all the legitimate…
MRAs are like the proverbial broken clock; when they're right, they're right for the wrong reason.
To my mind, pointing out how this will be twisted to disparage other rape allegations just underscores how horrible what this women did was. But that's probably just my liberal self-loathing talking.
I would imagine it has something to do with the increased presence of Puritanical, anti-gay morality in the States, but that's really just a guess.
Well, seeing as I not only didn't do that, but you acknowledged in your awkwardly passive aggressive comment that I didn't do that….you're welcome?