And god forbid you kiss your boyfriend on national television.
And god forbid you kiss your boyfriend on national television.
Truly, this is the best of all possible worlds.
It's not even the existence of the kickstarter that bothers me as much as the fact that the internet latched on to it and decided that it deserved $9,000.
HEY! Secession is what traitors like the CSA do. What we did was liberate ourselves from "tyranny." Big difference.
…after someone finally speaks up.
That explains why the internet is usually banned in libraries, and they so rarely offer any sort of computer-access or wi-fi!
And only because Michele Bachmann retired, right?
I don't even own a reality television.
The works of James Joyce (especially that story) are something to be proud of in themselves! Though I guess lots of his work wasn't exactly written in Ireland.
American Splendor captures everything that is great and horrible about living in Cleveland. On the music front, I'm really happy that Cloud Nothings are starting to get some recognition, because they are awesome.
It really is that easy. Hell, put up a craigslist ad and you'll probably get some responses (just remember to use a condom).
Smacky's female. Nice try at a deflection, though.
The worst thing my graphic design friend ever did was teach me how to recognize poor kerning. That "DEFENDING" is driving me slowly insane.
The system works!
I'm going to echo a lot of other commenters here and say that I don't think it would come across as dated or unrealistic. I never really identified with David because he had much more internalized homophobia than I ever did, but I think the fact that he is so intensely repressed about his sexuality really does matter…
Eloquent argument.
That's a really effective use of sound mixing, I think. It's not that imagery by itself isn't disturbing enough, of course, but the massive white noise that pops up whenever he touches the nerve really emphasizes just how agonizing doing that must be.
That also involved, you know, First Nations people and not white wealthy Christians. Totally different!
Yahoo Screen: Not even once.