Also to be fair, he gave it an A-. It's not like he hated it or anything…I can't believe all these comments complaining that it's one notch below an 'A', like no one could conceivably have a (slightly) lower opinion of a piece of art than they do.
Also to be fair, he gave it an A-. It's not like he hated it or anything…I can't believe all these comments complaining that it's one notch below an 'A', like no one could conceivably have a (slightly) lower opinion of a piece of art than they do.
I don't particularly like Persona (I think Bergman's made much better films), but even I find this very distressing. Was it because it was too challenging? What arguments did they even make?
It has! I've been around, I swear, but I think I'm often hampered by the fact that I often end up seeing an episode of TV a day or two after it airs, and nuDisqus has completely killed conversation past, like, a day.
Uganda be kidding me!
“I told him he should stop that. I told him it was not good for tourism.” To be fair, the guy was right about that…
Or that it perpetuates the stereotype that literally every single person in Africa is starving, and that Africa is a homogeneous mass with the same problems and not over fifty countries with massive different levels of development, even within countries.
The Socialists became Anarchists and the Civil Libertarians became straight up Libertarians.
Most of my upvote was because of your profile pic. Unemployed Drug Dealer indeed!
Fair enough, though it's probably worth pointing out that Luck was renewed before being cancelled. So unless this show kills horses, I think we'll see a second season.
Counterpoint: this is on HBO, and it's by Mike Judge. It'll get at least a second season.
I don't think I've really seen many representations of that kind of programmer before, and it was really refreshing to see them show the full spectrum of people who work at places like Google.
All the fucking time. And without any sense of irony or how horribly offensive it is.
I bet Jack Gleeson does. Smug little shit.
-Shia LaBeouf
Not to pile on, but he talks about being from South Carolina all the time. He even ran for President in the South Carolina primary that one time.
I need more Saga NOW. Get on it, Brian K Vaughan!
I hate that he outright disses the 50 States Project as an idea now, calling it a gimmick or whatever. Sure, that's totally what it was, but it was a unique concept that created two amazing albums, and easily could have created ten more. Well, that may be too optimistic, but still, I think there's much more he could…
I hoped he'd make more than two.
Or at least a Rhyming Becktionary.
, meowmeow