
It makes me worried that some of the characters are dead or tripping or something, before remembering that that's just the art style. It is pretty weird.

I saw 500 Days of Summer as a teenager, and I remember liking it because I could relate to JGL's character, but that rant has pretty much convinced me that I would hate it on rewatch. Summer is a complete cipher, she's not even a MPDG because JGL doesn't learn ANYTHING, and the precocious child thing is complete

Haha, I just caught up with this episode and saw that they had a sneak peek/whatever for the next one and was debating whether I should check it out or just wait. Was it good?

It reminded me of when I'd go out to drink in DC and end up with a $22 bill after two beers…

Yeah, I went into Kane unspoiled, and the sled thing felt like a bit of an anti-climax, mostly since it has such cultural cache. There are so many greater elements to the story that I think reducing the plot to "It was his sled" isn't just reductive: it makes no sense.

Because one state that certainly lacks of assholes is New Jersey.

You're not alone, though I'll admitting that I've never been to San Francisco and so I'm probably completely wrong about all of that.

I'd go with lithe or svelte, but then again, I just like the sound of both of those words.

I've had the exact same thoughts. You are not alone. Body image issues: not only for straight women!

I agree about something like Lawrence of Arabia, but do you really think that every movie deserves the big screen or at least TV-sized screen treatment? Especially a movie that I find on HBOGO?

And then Walton Goggins revealed that Pierce died from filling up all the containers!

I'm going to join the chorus of A's. Just a fantastic episode of television, hilarious and heartfelt.

Last episode, when Nick dismissed Carlos for only making Mexican food, speaks volumes about his ridiculous prejudices. I was surprised he didn't get eliminated this episode.

The editing is terrible, too. I frequently have no clue what is happening in the show, or why, or who these chefs are and why I should care about them. Someone can do this show well, I'm sure, but the version I saw decidedly fails in execution.

I wish I could upvote this a million times for "Shruggalo"

The one thing that really solidified this for me is that film school graduates women at parity with men, but they only make up 7% of personnel (in high grossing films). If you can't see a disparity there, I don't know what's wrong with you.

My favorite section of 1984 might be the sections from the Emmanuel Goldstein book, but dear God is John Galt's speech horribly written.

I liked it from the first season, but I think the second and third seasons are (in general, at least) far better.

This. A million times this. There is nothing wrong with being weird!

I went to bed last night livid just reading that thread, so I can totally understand the feeling of depression.