
Women are a special class in our society. They're above receiving the insults the rest of us do. Also...they're above learning to deal with these insults muting them, ignoring them, and overall growing a thicker fucking skin.

Hell, every now and then you hear about someone getting so pissed over a game

Not planning on feeding the trolls? Good grief. I'd hate to see what they consider feeding the trolls then, because they'd probably explode. With this lady and Sarkeesian combined, trolls are being stuffed fatter than geese being fed to produce foie gras.

Good luck with that.

I miss SMT games on the consoles. :[ I don't do handhelds anymore, so I'm getting the feeling I might never play one again...

Same. I'm used to waiting about 9 or so months for it to finally be released here, so May 5th sounds unrealistically fast.

And by the way, to speak more to the artist's response:

Why do you hate sexy female characters, exactly? I think it's a valid question, and what he was pointing to with his response.

As I commented in your previous article about this, I think you're just a lap dog doing what its owners want. You're doing nothing but

I'm glad.

I don't care for the game, but I think companies should stop bending knee to cry babies.

It's the fact that its a female torso.

You see, you're posting on the leading Feminist games related blog. If there's *anything* that sister site Jezebel would find offensive if they were into games, you can be Kotaku will post a weep and dry heave blog about it. Since women are sacred creatures, as of Feminist

As an artist, I'll say this much: The image he cooked up in response, however childish, STILL has more value than your original, whiny-for-absolutely-no-reason article.

Don't like sexy characters? Fuck off and don't play. Vote with your wallet! [Oh...but you know that won't do jack shit. So, instead, you whine like a


By Zeus, how did I not see that one coming!

That's....a weird run cycle.

And why does everyone he talks to come across like a douche? Did something get lost in translation?

I almost just had a heart attack. For some reason I thought you were speaking about VC3.

I'll never get to play that game. That's pretty unfair after getting me hooked on the first, and having me buy the second, too. ],:

Not quite how copyright works. You have to protect your property, or you will lose it. Very simple.

Aside from some strange, rare malformation/issue, why else, pray tell, do women get breast augmentations?

A whiteknight? What's the first, a Feminist?


Great point.

Yeah...Kotaku went to hell a while ago. I actually had to take a long break from it because it was so...annoying. Gender politics are draining. I just don't have it in me to deal with people this stupid and this ready to be offended at everything...but I still find it difficult to pull myself away from it. It's one of

Everybody gets it. Your problem is you're too gynocentric. Get off of that horse for a second and look around. [Interesting though, that women aren't given much shit for objectifying males, like the ones you pointed out above. You should have seen the line to Magic Mike at the local theatre. Every woman and their

When I watch a porno, I need it to be a guy with a large penis. I don't care if someone calls me a homosexual. Seeing a vag being pounded by a small dick is 1]not relatable and 2] not fantastic at all.

But I see it, women don't like when sexual attention is taken away from them. Whether the other women are

Is your argument that women don't oggle muscular men, or that no women will play this game and therefore the muscular man won't be oggled?

If it's the former: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [Individual preference will vary, but let's not kid ourselves.]

If it's the latter: Fine. Why cry about being offended then? Oh, wait. I