No guy-on-guy? Lame.
No guy-on-guy? Lame.
Well....that too. And door knob licking. And....yeah. Lemme just stop. >_>
Hahahaha! She might have ghost written it, for all we know. :P
Someone else registered it after the trailer premiered. The folk over at NeoGAF already looked into it several months back. It's not legit.
That's not an official site, FYI.
I love it!
Save points.
What does any of that have to do with the article? >_>
Thanks for that.
I did a search but could only find one* of Hideo Kojima's business cards. I can't find anything on Suda's. Why not post some links to theirs?
Glad the commenters left on Kotaku aren't all like the retards from Jezebel, but seeing this article reminds me of exactly why I left. All of the crying and gagging about this kind of stuff annoys me to no end. Patricia is a professional victim, and it shows everytime that I'm skimming Kotaku and notice the types of…
I've always liked boobs AND fighting games. I've never really been a fan of Dead or Alive though, and have gotten by just fine knowing the games exist.
I've replied to over 30 comments by now, but the stupid keeps flowing in. This was probably my first time putting any effort into a comment on Kotaku in over a year, and it will probably be the last time I bother. I think I'm just better off not reading the comments section anymore, it would be better for my sanity.