
What I really need to know is how to make a long plane ride suck less when traveling with a baby.

And the car has rotary threshers instead of hubcaps.

I'm legitimately curious about this position, and as you seem knowledgeable - I'll ask you.

I wondered about that too. More likely and pernicious than a conspiracy (which indicates intent, active planning, and execution) is thousands of small biases of people in power adding up to produce a headwind against anyone who doesn't fit into the biases, but can't be proved, and even the individuals with the biases

If anything, liberals should be gloating more. The gloating I experienced after Walker won his recall election was loads more than I've seen here. Liberals seem to be feeling guilty for faintly smiling at all too common conservative hiss-fits, whereas conservatives in Madison actively sought out liberals to rub salt

I'd really like to other agencies bootstrap off of infrastructure we build, but keep the silo's separate so to speak. With the ISS and ITER we're finding these large projects become unstoppable with international collaboration, but they also become unwieldy with bureaucracy and lack of clearly defined authority. But

I'm sure a better person than I could produce a respectful and constructive response to this. Alas.

Considering 1 in 5 women in the US have been raped according to a CDC, it must be comforting to believe that all those women could have made better choices and associated with better people and avoided being violated. However, pretending 1 million women a year are too stupid to discern good people from bad doesn't

It's also the home of Russ Feingold and Dave Obey. We're a more than a little bipolar in our voting habits.

To your second point - Organ donation is not mandatory, and making it so is the stuff of dystopian fantasy. So, if forcing a person to give up their kidney (lets say temporarily, because they'll give it back once a permanent donor is found) is abhorrent, why is it fine to tell a woman she must give up her uterus for

Yeah, I looked askance at the assertion abortion is or should be about personhood as well. Were we to take the breathtaking step of confering personhood on a zygote, there's still the fundamental question of, why don't we make organ donation mandatory if we're all about protecting life? Why don't we force living

I'm reminded of Golda Meir when trying to deal with a series of assaults on women in Israel, one Minister suggested that women should not be allowed on the streets after dark. Her famous response was, "Men are attacking the women, not the other way around. If there is going to be a curfew, let the men be locked up,

It's absolutely possible to separate a belief based on faith from a belief based on study. I do concede it gets fuzzy as one tries to make an argument without clarifying the foundation for their antecedents, but in the public sphere I tend to assume one argues based on premises they believe have been tested and hold

Now playing

This has been another episode of, "False-Equivalence Theater."


Allies are wonderful but please don't act like you know what it is like and can fight my fight for me.

It is victim blaming when -

I'm aware of the rational, but it seems a bit thin or even arbitrary - the latter case perpetuates a pattern of racism that absolutely harms the doctor personally and professionally.

We can - but we can also acknowledge free speech absolutism is still kinda a dicey proposition. At some point you transgress from expressing a view to doing harm. I do find it a bit odd that in the US a person can be successfully sued for calling a black doctor a quack, but nothing can be done when a person calls

One of us doesn't understand the other I think. I'm not talking about what gives rise to an individual's personality, per say.