This story is actually unicyclist's answer to the "inconsequential lie" question
This story is actually unicyclist's answer to the "inconsequential lie" question
I do the same thing, assuming like @unicyclistperiscopes:disqus below that doctors always account for this lie and inflate the number people tell them. So if I told them the real number they'd double it and get it wrong! So it's actually more truthful to lie, man! *prepares drink #28 for the week*
It is totally worth it for the eloquently obscene insults alone. Deadwood is the only other show I can think of that's so giddily profane.
George Saunders. Although his satire is so ruthless I don't see it reaching as wide an audience as Vonnegut.
Misread this as "boned." Was confused. Although if you were talking about Slapstick…
I play this soundtrack really loud in the house when I'm making the kids clean their rooms. Then I sing along and change the words to things about cleaning up (which isn't a big change from the lyrics about rolling stuff up). My kids hate it and I love it!
It looks like they're doing their circle jerk wrong.
Bummer. I've purchased and played through the original PvZ for every device in existence. Pretty sure it's been ported to my microwave LCD panel by now.
Golly, thanks!
Is this the right article to complain about the lack of a PC release for Plants vs. Zombies 2?
I was pretty confused until I realized this was not about the little-known SNES game Robotrek.
♪It's been a while! ♪
As a South Carolinian, I am proud to cede the "craziest state" title to Arizona or Florida.
Yeah, you're right. (Full disclosure: I am terrible at arguing.)
I'm sure David Simon is aware of the irony in the fact that a lot of white liberals will listen to him about this before they'll listen to the actual black people in Baltimore.
If that was a book, it would never leave the back of my toilet. … I hope that comes across as the high praise I intended.
Jesus Christ. I'm glad Friday Buzzkills are back.
I choked on my burger reading this! (Because it was funny.)
Maybe people who watch LPs haven't yet been crushed by the weight of their own inevitable mortality. There's not enough time in my life to play all the games I own on Steam already, let alone watch someone else play them!
This weekend I'll still be playing Tropico 3, which I've been doing a lot of lately. I have a few more campaign missions to go, but I'm dreading the 65% happiness mission. I've beat every other mission easily, but I've never even gotten happiness up to 60%, let alone 65.