
@Tyrax: It isnt even launched yet.

Head over to engadget for a non baised, adult report about this. i have been reading gizmodo for over 2 years and and getting sick of its baised-ness thingy. Though i am addicted to funny remarks but i DESPiSE biased talk

@HashMaster9000: Thats your faulty hardware. =) goto apple if you dont know computers too well or want company controlled harware. no kidding.

@Aklost: +1 its just MS phobia from old days. MS has moved along, Some people people havent. I have used OS x for some time, i like it too. but windows 7 is just as equal to it in greatness.

@CompulsoryAnonym: and have sex with the hologram of the girl, with virtual reality mind connection to feel it too. awesome !

Check? Cm,ON man. its called CHEQUE

Myabe that guy is trying to look very computer genius modder so thats y he didnt put it in a simple cheap case!

Pure awesomeness! Theyre music kicks major ass too!

BTW many of these phones are Nokia 3100 . i owned one back in the day. and i spot a 3310/30 too!

@Nitesh Singh: +1 and probably you would buy a higher capacity drive after that long a time!

@MifuneT: 60 TB is ALOT of writes.... much much more time then you would need.

@Stem_Sell: I thought you were gonna say "BONER"


"These 3.1 square meters of floating, mobile US s" now thats a small aircraft carrier!

@VG: Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... much man. YOU ROCK. it saves so much time when doing multiple pcs.

Nokia hardware is wayy underrated in the US.