
Oh man I literally started playing SWCCG again last week after a decade long hiatus.

My leg hurts.

People in the theater kept laughing when he said Gojira. I wanted to find these people and punch them in the face.

"My binders!"


why would you befriend so many mouth breathers?

Fuck this guy.

If you thought that was offensive you should probably never read Deadspin comments again. Also I've run a bunch of halves- nowhere near what this gentleman has done but I am aware of what it takes to be a distance runner. So lighten up, Francis.

P.S. I am not Sarah- that is the writer of the article. Adjust your

Now THAT is a bumper sticker.

I bet he's doing it just for the "100.2" bumper sticker

This was from a Denver-KC game.

someone photoshop a zoolander background behind that mug shot, stat!

Cars can be dangerous. That is why you have to take a road test in order to be licensed and register yourself with the DMV.

Pinky out. How dainty.

My friend once asked for ketchup on his steak at John's, and was promptly asked to leave.