
The house I learned to walk in, and lived in for 25 years had two flights of stairs. There was probably only a handful of times that I went up or down those stairs with out tripping once. In fact near the top of the stairs I usually completed them on all fours.

It is indeed! It seems as though it’s basically butter/oil with coconut oil? So could be a fun little DIY

I love you nails!

I’d say this stuff is about as effective as a new hair cut and some sexy new panties. Which are way cheaper. What would be cool is a drug that actually works and isn’t so dangerous. I heard great things about THC/CBD infused lube.

Yeah uh. My fiance only stay together 2 nights a week. We have opposite schedules. Some nights if we are lucky we at least grab dinner together. A lot of times he goes to grab a beer after work with friends and I give 0 fucks. I do the same.

Wow Donald Trump and I agree that four things are disgusting; Terrorists, Pharma Bro, Families of soldiers not getting money for burials, and Donald Sterling being a racist. Way more than I thought it would be.

You know what else would be a great start... When there is a character that is a minority.... Actually cast an actor that is that minority. Instead of a white person or a “close enough” actor that is well known and maybe similar ish. That would be tremendous.

Donald Trump’s hair

I would love to think that this was an effort to show the NFL what scum he is. But even then, not procedure and likely just wishful thinking.

I got ambitious and decided to sew a costumes for me and the Mr. They still aren’t done and I’m exhausted. I thought it would be cheaper than buying them. I was so wrong. Plus I had no pattern so I’m totally winging it. They are kigurumi pj’s based on our animal nick names we call each other. Seriously delusionaly

There really is a GIF for everything! lmao

Idk if they would work (I know you are joking) but for real... cat penises are barbed and horrifying. I didn’t believe it until a friend convinced me to google it. I can’t unsee it. lol

me too!

Ok I realize this is super fucked up of me. But my initial thought was that the cat’s were alive when placed in the suitcase. My first reaction was, “how the fuck did this bitch get 14 live cats into a suitcase? I can barely even get one into a pet carrier.” And how were they euthanized? While I don’t think it’s ok,

Is the female answer to this “vagina valance” scapes? I eerily hope so.

A local bar used to run just such special (basically) “$2.00 Anything behind the bar” Monday nights I believe. It was a shit show. (Shocking I know) Every time my friends and I attended this cheap booze fest there was some sort of catastrophe involving needing to call the police. Often it was fights, once it was a

Also, I still love MCR. No shame here! lol

Googled. Cousin is Travis McCoy from Gym class heroes aka nothing like either of those two bands except popular around the same time.

Yes I need to know more about this.

I have friends who LOVE theirs. Mine was horrendous. It was fine for a few days, then it started to reject. So basically I had contractions every so often. They were bad enough a few times I had to just drop to the floor and try to breath through them. Other times I had to stop and pull over because the pain was so