
I think the fact that Spybot is on this list is a sign of ignorance (no offense intended) of the advancing complexity of security risks to your average home Personal Computer.

Another good way to do it is to get DVD cases that hold 6-DVDs. What I do is throw the DVDs into the case and then print off an index sheet of what is in the generic black cases. I got them off of eBay, but I'm sure you could find them online just about anywhere if you used the right search terminology.

I did iTunes for years, and I've compared the various media players available. And based on user interface and controllability.

1. Try living in the boondocks. 2. Try living where the cost of living is ungodly high. 3. The USD isn't anywhere near as valuable as the Euro, you're doing currency conversion, not equivalency there's a difference (My weaker US Dollar has to go as far as a stronger European Union Euro). But, as a result you're going

That's really interesting. I am for one very tired of being treated like a second class citizen by "Superior" Mac using, Prius driving snob-types.

Pidgin (Formerly GAIM), on both Windows and Ubuntu Linux (I use both).

@nizzy1115: Vista is bad. It's not the people who didn't give it a chance whom are bashing it. It's the people who did.

I don't use crutches. Hand Coding is the way to go. Notepad++ is my chosen editor. WYSIWG tends to be more difficult for me because of several things. Number one is the way WYSIWG formats code. I tend to end up with a never-ending line of code. Another problem is it's so much easier to manipulate the page and you can

Stenopad by Rediform Inc. Metal Bound, sixty sheet, 6''x9'' two column. Everything else is pointlessly extravagant. A metal bound legal pad would work just as well if you have more space for it and/or need more space to write.

It's true. I went from a 19'' 4:3 ratio monitor to a 22'' 16:9 ratio monitor and I've seen my personal productivity rise significantly.

I think anyone who calls into work sick for a sniffle and a cough is either looking for an excuse to stay home from work or is a wuss. I was raised to work hard; do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Real men shave with rusty and dull flatblades, no water! No Foam!

[] is alright, especially if you live in the Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky Region covered by Meijer Stores (because you can order prints to be sent a store in your area from the [] website). But snapfish operating independently of Meijer will mail you your order; it's owned by

IE is terrible, but some people might prefer it or require it to code a web page that appears properly in even the most backwards of browsers —IE.

Guys. Look out! Bad things.

I'm done with people and their gratuitous bitching. If you have children act like a parent and explain to your child that the word they read or heard is bad and should not be repeated. It is for adults, adult usage and that they will be punished if they repeat it. Stop being lazy and relying on the FCC to Censor

Personally I do think he did it at least somewhat intentionally; despite being a tigers fan I think he did it 'cause he was pissed off at the ump for making 2 or three terrible calls that At-Bat. It miffs me a bit that the people writing about it most likely didn't even see the game as it was televised way outside of

I'm thinking Ogame, :P, that or iTune works too.

Yeah the links are 'dead', as it were; LH is 404in' us.