Didn't nintendo already do this with the... n64? and gamecube? you could play your gameboy/ advance games on the screen
Didn't nintendo already do this with the... n64? and gamecube? you could play your gameboy/ advance games on the screen
I don't really get it...
Ah yeah you guys are right :)
I thought kotaku was video games :P
He is the guy that reads my mind as i type...
99.9999% of the people reading this statement have access to the internet.
@TheCrudMan: That's what she said.
Anyone else think this portal 2 countdown/early release thing is rigged?
I prefer Majoras Mask to OOT
Just bought Blood Bowl so gonna give that a spin :D
Ditto, doesn't make sense to me :S
@lewismortonysb: I would have voted for that :D
If they really wanted to go green (Not just cut there production costs) they would make game boxes out of something recyclable
You are right. Back to Ca.kotaku or UK.kotaku for me. This was the last straw. Also i noticed there is a lot of space opening up for adverts... that i WILL live without.
As if the new layout couldn't get any worse. Now im being begged like a child with not friends to like them on facebook....
@a t o m i c: :O.....
The day Guitar Hero died... Kotaku did NOT look like that T_T
@Taggart6: Ughhh what happened to Simon Cowell???