
I feel odd knowing this, like it’s not mine to know, even though she was always open about her issues. And I also still miss her vibrant presence in this world a great deal.

Thank you for this story. I wouldn’t have known this happened had you not told it, and the strength of these resolute warrior women needs to be heralded. I’m inspired by their resolve and love in the face of hatred.

Wow. My heart wasn’t ready for this. They’re wonderful, fierce, loving. Still not over it. It’s raining on my face, so I’ve got to go.

I have lots of fine hair and use this weekly, sort of as a clarifying shampoo. Love it, and the scent too. Lush bath stuff is a personal weakness.

I have lots of fine hair and use this weekly, sort of as a clarifying shampoo. Love it, and the scent too. Lush bath

That’s terrible, and I’m sorry. The kitten/adult pics gutted me. I’m so sorry.

I’m a huge Batgirl fan - the character that pulled me into comics - but not sure if I want this movie. I want to be excited. Instead I’m a little scared.

Love it! I think she’s wrapped up in the moment, as she should be.

Yes, to all of this.

I don’t have any incredible insight, but as someone who has known the hell of living with anorexia, I want to thank you for your bravery in sharing your story and the honesty that resonates through it. I was also fortunate to have a longtime therapist and getting inpatient care that literally saved my life. No longer

I love this story, and never want to be done with Carrie Fisher tributes and stories.

I’m still aching from losing them. Glad HBO is airing this sooner rather than later, and hope it’ll ... idk, help?

Just another brunette who totally gets what you’re saying.

Just gutted. From princess to author to advocate, she showed me from the time I was a little girl just what women could do. I don’t want this to be real.

Saw this for the first time last night and loved it. From “Don’t put your sad face on,” to blasting the old Freedom, it was a treat.

This is too much. My first crush, and such a voice too. Between this and Carrie Fisher, I just can’t.

There are “Lamb” fans here, and all of the sudden I feel less alone. Good stuff. Perhaps a reread is in order.

I was one of the few that loved 2015's Marsala.

I’m just a couple counties over, but maybe wind currents blew the ash our way instead of yours. I bet you’re right about your coworker’s weird flakes (that sounds weird, sorry). Still wrapping my head around hurricane force winds in those mountains and how quickly it all spread.

Another East Tennessean here. We’ve been coughing from the smoke for a while, but the eerie skies Monday and ash falling like snow were legitimately scary. Had that same ominous feeling on Election Day, and it sucks to be right.

Thank you for your work on behalf of your kids. I’m the mom of a child on the Autism spectrum, and in substitute teaching encounter lots of other kids with various issues whose lives are made better because of teachers such as yourself. What you do makes our lives better. What that horrible man does? Not so much.