Plague Lovers

wonder if he went through a rebellious teenaged phase and became an awesome human between like 14 and 22. 

Look, we can all agree that JFJ is a hypocrite of the highest order and one of the most reprehensible scumbags going. There is absolutely no debating this.

If you think a handgun ban is ever going to happen in this country, I have a ski resort in Florida I’d like to sell you. 

Well, me, for one.

Nuclear has a foible or two but it’s the best base load power generation source this side of hydro. Wind and Solar do not compare in this metric. If you’re basing safety on the only 3 events in the entire history of nuclear power, then it actually is safe. There is no getting off fossil fuels without nuclear at least

I starred you, even though that crane is called Hardee’s where I live.

Let me know when they make a gigantic Foreigner belt for it.

Probably would’ve stretched into today at some point.

We have top men working on how to blame it all on Yoko as we speak. Top men.

I’m sorry, but I love Octopus’s Garden. >_<

Side One:

We’ve just unearthed an entire lost Beatles album...

I know you’re just trolling, but you’re also a fucking idiot. 

Shut up, tomato.

You realize that sovereignty is an artificial construct right? It’s just as valid to take a global view of sovereignty as it is to take a national or state level view of sovereignty. 

Shut the fuck up, tomato.

Boy, did that set us all up for the massive disappointment that was the rest of the miniseries, though. Such a fantastic, cinematic opening...and then, such a turdburger of a remaining running time. 

Now just copy the tracking shot at the start of the 1994 miniseries where the camera moves through Project Blue straight after the Superflu escaped all scored to the Blue Oyster Cult because that was one of the all time great scenes in film and TV.

Krystal Ball: