Willful misinterpretation is the bedrock of conservatism, as much for libertarians as “republicans”. This goes double for Christians, which is redundant.
Willful misinterpretation is the bedrock of conservatism, as much for libertarians as “republicans”. This goes double for Christians, which is redundant.
As useless as Paul is (to liberals) he can at least be counted on to put his own personal ideology above party loyalty.
I can see that, but what I’m not seeing is the trolling-as-performance-art angle I have come to expect.
For all her talents and general badassery, she’s new at this, and millenial as fuck.
Baracka is a long con.
Only Republicans get to say the quiet part out loud and not face consequences.
Oh dear god I hope this is fake news.
There are no good guys in this story.
She’s got balls the size of Mt. Sinai.
I know what you mean, and it’s upsetting since I’ve loved the guy since Spaced.
My mom and 50 million other people believe every goddamn word of it.
He certainly aborted a lot of collective bargaining rights.
I really wish I could stop looking at this.
Finding the lowest moment of this debacle would be akin to finding a snake’s belly in a wagon rut in Death Valley.
Finding the lowest moment of this debacle would be akin to finding a snake’s belly in a wagon rut in Death Valley.
“Way to fly that joke into a building.”
“Posthumous Glory Boys”
Meanwhile, a single tear can be seen making its long journey down Oliver Miller’s cheek.